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"What!?" My mouth drops, and Grayson's does too.

"What do you mean, Liz? I thought we had something special," Grayson's eyes become shiny, and I pout.

"Ethan? Is this true?" I say, turning towards him.

"Yes," he said looking down. "But," he grabbed my hands. "Just because I have a child with Liz doesn't change how I feel about you."

I glare at him, my face in horror. "Just because? She has your child in her stomach. You have to be there with her, whether she decides to keep it or not. I will support her just as much as you do. Understand?"

I walk up to Liz, Grayson sits back down on the playground's bench. This doesn't change the way I feel about Liz. Or Ethan. But I'm not going to be rude towards Liz when she's pregnant.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why have you hidden so much from me and Grayson? When did this happen? Did you cheat on-"

"Mya- calm down. I didn't cheat on Grayson... I knew it was wrong to leave Ethan but at that point in time I didn't know if I was actually pregnant. But I went to the doctor yesterday and he confirmed it. This happened when you and Grayson had your huge fight. Ethan wasn't on vacation, we were out shopping and I just... I was...," Liz explained, my brain cells slowly deteriorating as she talked.

"Are you kidding? Ethan, you said your flight got delayed.... wait." Grayson said, and I sat by him.

"Did you says shopping?!? You went shopping and had sex the same fucking night? Like the video cameras at the shop! That's OBVIOUSLY what's on them!"

My face dropped in horror and my heart sank to the ground.

I could not believe this.

"I'm so sorry Grayson. I'm sorry I didn't believe you..." I said, trying my hardest not to cry.

" I told you. I tried.... I waited, My. For 4 weeks I waited for you but you never came back." He was full on sobbing now.

I hesitantly wrapped my arm around Grayson, and he stiffened but got comfortable after I looked at him. He smiled and continued to talk to Ethan.

"I have so many questions," Grayson said, looking at Liz and Ethan.

"Me too." I said, puckering my lips and raising my eyebrows.

"Okay. Hit us with them," Ethan said.

"When did this happen again? And how? Please don't give details, though," Grayson placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose, and I let out a small laugh.

"When Gray has the interview I thought it was my opportunity to find someone to hand out with... I found Liz at school a couple months back and we kind of hit it off. We had a shopping date and we got super drunk... and when Liz gets drunk....." Ethan talked subtly.

"Do you regret it?" I asked, releasing my arm from Grayson.

"No, I don't."

"We don't," Ethan chimed in.

"Well that's good to hear." Grayson said, relieved.

"I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me, Liz,@ Grayson said and Ethan nodded.

Grayson seemed really upset. Liz was probably his first girlfriend who made him genuinely happy. If I were to make him happy he wouldn't have said those things to me, but we all make mistakes.

"I also came to inform Ethan that we have to go to check ups regularly," Liz said, looking at Ethan.

"Alright," he said, biting his upper lip.

"What does this mean for us?" I ask Ethan, and Grayson's eyes go wide.

"I don't know. I can't leave Liz to handle this on her own, which I'm not going to do, but I don't want to leave you. I guess it leaves me with one choice," he frowns, and grabs my hand for a second.

"I think it's best that you stay with Liz, you know, until she's on her feet. She needs your support more than anyone's," I smile, and Ethan nods. Grayson looks around and smirks. He had an immediate mood change.

"What you got planned?" I rest my elbow on my knee, and smile at Grayson.

"Liz is gonna be a great mother," he looks at Liz, and she replies.

"Thanks, Gray." Liz smiled softly.

"And I, Ethan Dolan, am going to be a bomb ass father."




lol idek but I really want to write another story but I'm gonna finish and edit this one beforehand so I'm not too stressed lmao

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