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It's the weekend and Liz and I were trying to arrange plans to hang out. I walk into my house, coming back from Liz's because she had not been home.

"Mom? Dad?" I yell through the house. No one answers. I groan and hang up my keys and kick off my sandals.

I get a text from Liz, and my face brightens. Liz always seems to make my day better. She's a really good friend of mine now.

Liz👽: Hey biiitch I'm downtown, I'll be home around 3😘

I shoot her a reply and I laugh as I turn off my phone.

• 3:00 •

I pull into Liz's driveway and get out before opening her door. The smell of pumpkin and sugar fills my nose and it smells amazing.

"Hi Mrs. Reid." I say, side hugging her mom. Her parents and my parents actually knew each other because of my dads firm which was pretty surprising. I've become close with her family, her mom, dad, brother, and sister.

"Hey Mya!" Liz says coming down the stairs. Her younger sister races down the stairs also with a stuffed bear in her hand.

"Mya!" She yells before jumping into my arms. They're acting like I just got back from a three year trip to the Bahamas. I was here yesterday.

"Hey Ally!" I say putting her on the ground. Ally is just 5 years old.

"Sorry about her." Liz says taking her from my arms and placing her back onto the ground.

"It's really no problem. I love my little Ally." I say, giving Ally a slight hug before she giggles and runs off into the kitchen to join her mother.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Liz asks and peels off her sweatshirt and sits it on the counter. I stand back up and place my hands in my back pockets.

"I don't care, we could watch a movie?" I ask before plopping onto her couch.

"Okay!" She says and places a disk into the DVD player.

Ally runs back up the stairs, yelling at her stuffed bear, and the dog chases after her. This is a crazy family. Much more interesting than mine will ever be. I barely even have a family.

I sigh and Liz asks me what's wrong. As a stupid excuse, I say I'm tired.

A little bit into the movie, Liz's older brother Jhonnie comes running down the stairs. "Mom! I need your help!"

"My friend is stuck in Trenton. I was wondering if you could possibly pick him up." He says giving his mother puppy dog eyes while simultaneously pacing across the kitchen.

"Sorry hun, but I can't. Liz and I have errands to run when our company leaves. You know I would if we weren't busy." She wipes her hands on a rag before throwing it onto the counter.

"What? We do?" Liz says unaware of what was going on.

"What about you dad?" He says pointing to his father who was sitting at the table.

"I have to work. Sorry bud." Jhonnie groans and shoots his eyes towards me.

"Mya...?" He asks. I mean yea, I could. But I didn't feel like doing it. But I also didn't want their family thinking low of me.

"Sure, I'll do it." I say.

"Wow, really? Thanks!" He says fist bumping me.

I didn't know what I had gotten myself into. I didn't know where I was going, who I was going to pick up, or even if my old, run-down car could make it to Trenton and back.

I had already made my promise to Jhonnie and now they expected it of me, so I guess I'd better pray I don't break down or get murdered by a stranger.


Heyyyyyy!! Chapter five is up! Ok ily I have like nothing to say but...... Thanks for reading and vote comment and yeah bye!!✌🏻️

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