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I was sitting in my room with Ethan, just having random conversations. Laughing, crying, just talking. He was my shoulder to lean on now that I didn't have Grayson or Liz. I don't know how many times the topic of Grayson came up, but almost every single time, it went like this:

"So, does Grayson hate me?" I would say. Ethan would then go on to tell me, "no, no. He's just clearing his mind right now, you know? After the whole incident with the store- and my sister dating your dad- I think it's all too much for him. Once everything dies down he'll be back to his normal self and I could almost promise you you'll be back together. Liz is just a distraction. You guys are so much alike and it gives him comfort."

"What do you mean? I can't exactly date him if your dad doesn't want us together. That's against my morals," I then roll my eyes. I have this whole scene memorized down to a tee.

He then sighs. "I guess you're right. It's better for you two to stay friends anyways."

"What about Liz? I. Can't. See. That. Bitch. Now."

"You're not going to let a guy tear you guys apart are you?"

I shoot up from the bed. "Yes! That's exactly what is happening! She doesn't text me, he doesn't try to talk to me, they're probably banging each other behind my back right this moment but yanno, I could really care less. I can't be her friend, E. Never, ever, again. She betrayed me. All of my respect for her was flushed down the drain."

"I suppose if I were in your place I would feel kind of the same way. But you guys were literally friendship goals."

"Shut up, Ethan. I think I hate her." I then place my hand on his chest, and lay my head in the crook between his arm and torso. He had been laid out on his back, one arm behind his head.

"Things will get better, I promise."

Deep down I knew I still loved Grayson. But a part of me wanted to forget him and move on to someone else, that someone being Ethan. He never betrayed me, not one time.

"I have to go talk to my mom, I mean, you could stay up here or you could go."

"I'll give you your time," he smiles and releases his arm from around me.

I slide out of my room, making sure to shut my door and then I silently step down the stairs. My mom stayed at my house quite a lot now due to me constantly being stuck, but she still did have her house.

"So, I think we need to plan how to get these out of here, they are really corrupting the business. You'll be his replacement. Yes. Mya's father isn't helping and it's getting harder for me to—."

"Hey, mom." I stepped down into the dining room, where a laptop was set on the table along with a couple portfolios and some files. She was on the phone with her boss I suppose.

"Can I talk to you, super quick?" I pointed to my mom.

"One sec, Mr. Dolan. My daughter needs me," She put Mr. Dolan on hold and placed her phone down before getting up to talk to me.

"Mom, can you tell me something? Be 100% honest."

"Yeah, hun. What is it?"

"Okay, so, you understand that I used to date Grayson and now Ethan stays here a lot, well mom, I think I really like Ethan. I just hope that's okay... and are you seeing Mr. Dolan? I heard you say something about him replacing dad..."

My mom bursts into fits of laughter. "Mya, me and Mr. Dolan are just friends, kind of co-workers. I hired him in your dads place for the job, and honestly he's quite the fit. He is not replacing you deadbeat father. Just replacing his position as manager."

I was confused. I put my hand on my forehead.

"Mom, but— this is all just a mess."

"Yes, I know. I assure you... feel free to date whoever you want. It's a free country!" My mom said, resuming her call on the phone.

"Okay." I smiled.

I literally jump up the stairs in happiness. I wander back to my room, walk through the door and Ethan is passed out asleep on the bed. I kneel beside him, and run my fingers through his hair. I didn't want to wake him up, but he probably needed to go home soon. So I just left him there, and I sat on the front of the bed and got on my phone.

I sat there for a half hour and Ethan woke up abruptly. "Oh shit."

"E, where ya going?" I said hopping up out of bed.

"I have to meet Grayson and Liz in 20 minutes. You should tag along." He grimaced while saying the last sentence, knowing that would be a disaster.

My eyes go wide, and I am kind of shocked. One- how the hell did he wake up like that and know that he had to meet them so fast and two- he really wants me around Liz and Grayson? Yeah... absolutely NOT.

"Come on, Mya. I know you guys aren't getting along but if you come maybe you can fix it," he gave me puppy dog eyes and I though about what he said.

Either be miserable and not have Grayson in my life or be happy that we are good again.

I decided to go.

It's going to be a long night.

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