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I hear the house phone downstairs ring. It's four in the fucking morning. I furrow my eyebrows. Why wouldn't whoever this is just call my cell phone? It might be Mom or Dad's boss. I pull myself out of bed angrily and trudge downstairs. I pick the phone up, and answer it.

"Hello?" I say in confusion with a hint of sass.

"Mya..." I'm not exactly sure who it is but I think I have an idea.

"Mom?" I ask. "What the hell happened?"

"I was going to come check on you," she begins, I can tell she's crying.

"MOM!" I shout becoming anxious.

"Your dad left. I'm sorry, Mya." I feel a tear fall down my face.

A week after they leave for a business trip, my dad actually leaves?

"W-what?" I felt so terrible. My father was a person who always kept me happy when my mom wasn't around. It didn't seem like he was unhappy. It didn't seem like he wanted to be out of the picture.

"I'm coming home. But I can't stay forever. I won't be able to-" Mom began, her voice trembling.

"Mom, I understand. Just please don't be sad. We have to stay strong. You must not come home. I'll be fine." I say holding back a flood of tears that were trying to escape.

"Alright My. I love you." She says, with a raspy voice as if she hasn't slept in 7 consecutive days.

"I love you too." And with that, I hung up the phone.

How could he just get up and leave? He knew he was the one who kept the family stable.

I hear a knock at my door and I wipe under my eyes. But I know that it won't cover the fact I've been crying.

I open the door and there stands Grayson.

"Why do you keep coming back?" I ask.

I see Grayson's brother, Ethan, behind him, looking at his phone.

"I don't know, honestly."

"It's 4 AM. What are you doing up so early?" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"We could ask you the same thing," Ethan says with his eyebrow raised.

"I mean, you guys are the ones at my door. Knocking. At 4 AM." I say, laughing and sniffling at the same time.

"Oh shush. Can I go home now Gray? I'm tired." Ethan says, holding up the keys to the shiny black BMW.

"Whatever. Come get me later, though," Grayson says not even acknowledging the fact that I never invited him over. Especially not at 4 in the gosh darn morning.

"I saw you were active on snap maps and I was bored and couldn't sleep so I wanted to stop by. I didn't anticipate for you to be upset... so if you don't care I guess I'm going to stay?" Grayson says scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course," I say, a tear escaping my eye.

I shut the door once he steps inside and lead him to my living room. I ignite the fireplace and sit down, patting the spot beside me. Grayson sits down obediently.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened?" He says, sitting questionably close to me.

"Well, my dad left." I say.

"Wait didn't this happen like a week ago?" He asks, referring to when my parents left for a business trip.

I look at him with sad eyes.

"No, Gray.... he left." I look down and begin sobbing.

"Oh," he says, pulling me into a hug.

I felt comfortable crying into his shoulder. His presence felt like it kept me sane. The way he smelt was a calming feature of his, and the way he rubbed circles on my back made all of the hurt go away.

For someone I barely knew, Grayson seems like the type of person who would actually stick around. He doesn't seem like the bad person that people make him out to be.

"Thank you, Grayson." I say, pulling away.

"For?" He asks while wiping away my tears, holding the side of my face with his warm hands.

"I don't know, being here I guess." His finger found its way to my lip and he dragged down slowly, eyeing all parts of my face.

He quickly removed them before laying back on the couch, crossing his arms. I lay back and put my head on his shoulder.

Now I understand. I am a part of a group, but I guess I just hadn't realized it until now. Everyone was gone. My mom, dad, and it felt like Liz was leaving too. I was an actual loner.

Hihihi I stayed up until like 2am re-watching the Dolan twins videos

But I got nothing to say bc I'm boring soooo yea ily

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