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Waking up alone confuses me, especially considering the warm feeling I had without someone beside me. There was a pillow over my head and a blanket on my body.

There was a note on the table signed Grayson.

Had to go have breakfast with the fam. Would have woken you up to come with me but you sleep so soundly and I didn't want to bother you. I'll come back later if you want me to so just let me know. You're an absolute angel and you don't deserve any of this mess.

I blush reading the note and my phone immediately goes off. Who let me sleep in until 1:36 PM?!

I had gotten a text from someone about 15 minutes ago so I decide to check it.

Unknown Cell #: Hey, this is Grayson. Did you get my letter?

Me: oh hey. Yeah I did, thank you... it means a lot... and yes I want you to come back.

Grayson: I'll be there as soon as possible... and listen to me. I have a plan, but you'll have to stick with me on this.

Me: what do you mean??

Grayson: Do you want to "visit" your father with me?

Me: we're not killing my dad if that's what you're planning idiot lmao

Grayson: oh heck no I ain't no murderer. But I just have a suspicion that he could be cheating and I need someone to help me confirm my accusations. I want you to be there with me. After all, it is your father and I don't want to see you or your mom suffer anymore.

Me: Alright. I'm in.

Grayson: Something just gives me a feeling.... why would he leave so abruptly if he wasn't cheating? Why would your mom be in so much pain?

Me: It makes sense. You're so smart

Grayson: As are you, angel

My heart rate went up drastically as I read that text.

Me: so what's the plan?

Grayson: We sneak into his house and snoop around. I haven't really elaborated too much.

Me: Okay... I just really hope this works.

Me: Wait...

Me: idk his address

Grayson: Call him, tell him you just want to visit.

Grayson's other side seemed crazy, but for some weird reason it only made me long for him even more. I bite the inside of my cheek before dialing my father's number.

"Uh, hello?" I say when someone answers the phone.

"Mya?" My dad says breathlessly, the sound of a belt buckling in the background.

"What the f- you know what I don't even want to know." I say.

"So why have you called me?" He says, acting like a total dick.

"I wanted to visit you." I say wandering around the house. Is it not normal for a daughter to call her father?

"Now's not the time." He says. I guess his little whore is over there.

How could he replace my mother and I with some other slut he only uses to get sex out of? How long has he been putting on this act and why is he being such an asshole about everything?!

"Can you at least give me your address? I'll visit another time." I say, trying to maintain my temper. But I still plan on visiting tonight.

"5682 Farewell Drive." I sigh and hang up the phone, without mentioning goodbyes or "I love you's."

Me: Got it. I can't believe it though, he's being such a prick.

Grayson: Seriously?!

Me: Yes. When are we doing this? I want him to lay for what he's done to our family.

Grayson: come over tonight, or I can come over. my address is 152 Oxford Street just in case.

Me: thanks. I can't believe we are going to expose my father.

We're gonna have a little fun.

• 9:00 P.M. •

"Are you sure about this?" I ask, grabbing the large black trash bag from Grayson's bed.

He puts his finger on my lip for the second time and I go wide eyed. "Yes. I'm positive."

He pulls himself out of the window and reaches out his hand. I grab it and climb through the window, shutting it behind me.

He jumps down from his window, grabbing my waist to help me down on the way. We began to walk down the dark, vacant streets. We had a pretty lengthy distance to walk but I didn't mind walking it with him.

• 30 minutes later •

"We're here." I breathe out heavily.

"Let's do this shit." He says, opening the front door slowly.


Oh shit

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