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*4 weeks later*

I was miserable. My life has come to all time low and I don't think I'm recovering. Ethan has called me multiple times, I just don't have the gut to answer. Grayson is doing just fine. Me, on the other hand, that's a totally different story. Liz hasn't really talked to me much since the night we spent time together. She doesn't even know what happened to Grayson, but I'm sure she'll find out sooner or later. It was sad that I didn't visit him, I could've changed everything. But I chose not to, but I had big plans to try to fix things but I keep backing out. All I've done for the past four weeks is visit my mom. I don't really know where anyone went.

Today, I'm going to fix it. I can try at least.

I was already out of bed. I haven't cared for my appearance lately, so I throw on sweatpants and a t-shirt and go out to my car. Biting my bottom lip, I start my car. I was so nervous, but it would all be worth it.

It took me longer than usual to get to their house. But I arrived, and I did not want to get out. I missed him so much.

No, Mya. How could you miss someone you hate so much?

But I don't hate him.

I finally got the courage to get out and knock on the door. I saw Ethan look through the window, and his eyes widened and he ran to the door.

"MYA! Oh my god, I though something happened to you!" He hugged me tightly and I appreciated the comfort.

"I came to say I'm sorry for not answering your calls. I've been very down and I don't know what my life is right now. I miss him, Ethan." His face turns red, and he licks his lips.


"Where is he Ethan? I have so much to explain. I have so much to apologize for. I want things to go back to normal. Ethan?"

"Mya, listen-"

"Ethan, what's wrong?"

"Grayson is not here, Mya." He bit his lip.

"Is he DEAD?" My stomach dropped.

"Gosh, no. Mya- he has another girlfriend. He's on a date right now."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't going to say that I wanted him back, but gosh, I did.

"I don't want to be his g-girlfriend," I choked on my own words, trying not to break down.

"Stop lying to me, My." Ethan placed his hand on my shoulder, pulling me closer. "I will help you through this," he continued.

"You can't. That would be so weird," I placed my hand on his chest.

"I don't care, he did you so wrong and you need support."

I looked up at him, and the world started spinning. It nearly went in slow-motion. I could only focus on him, and I lost my thoughts. All I could think about was him. Ethan. But I shouldn't. I shouldn't do this.

Grayson. Where the fuck is Grayson?

I place my hand on his face, and his eyes diverted to my lips. I lean closer to him, and unexpectedly my lips are on his. His hand slides down my arm and into my hand.

A car pulls up to the house. I pull away quickly.

Two familiar faces come out of the car. My heart drops and literally shatters into a thousand pieces. My hand drops from Ethan's, and his face is also priceless.

Grayson eyes find their way to me, and I swallow back all my fellings for him.

My breath starts hitching.


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