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I wake up at merely the crack of dawn. I have no clue why I'm up so early. Maybe it's just because I fell asleep early yesterday. Putting all thoughts aside, I get out of bed, engulfing myself in the heat of my blanket. I trail downstairs to see my dads car parked in the driveway. He got home on time for once. I walk to the coffee maker, clicking the buttons until a brown liquid pours out. I fill up a mug and place it on the table for my dad. Then I pour myself one, sipping it slowly before going back up to my room.

I throw my blanket back onto my bed and put it under the pillows. I skim through my closet and pick out a simple sweater and jeans. I throw my hair up into a bun and go back downstairs to see my dad sitting at the table.

"Morning dad." I say sitting beside him. Maybe today we can actually have a chat about school.

"Morning!" he says cheerily. He's such a morning person. I drink my coffee, trying to spark a conversation.

"So, about school. A lot of people are nice!" I say, and his face brightens. He scoots in his chair and I grin.

"Really? So you like it in New Jersey?" He asks. I don't like it as much as I did Los Angeles but I can't exactly say I hate it yet.

"Sure! I haven't witnessed much but I'm sure it only gets better from here on out. I need to go get my stuff but I'll be back down afterwards." I say placing my dish in the sink.

"Alrighty." He hums.

Why is my dad always in such a good mood?

I rush up the stairs to retrieve my backpack. I come back downstairs and my dad is already in the car. I lock the door and get in, ready to take on another day at high school.


Its nearing the start of fourth period and I'm at my locker waiting for Liz. She's supposed to introduce me to her friends, but I don't really feel like I'm in the mood to meet more people.

I turn and feel someone standing at my locker. I don't turn fully around because I know it's Liz.

"Hey Liz." I say, looking at the students scattering into the cafeteria.

The person doesn't answer, but I hear a low, questioning hum from them. I turn quickly, and I see a face I haven't seen in school before.

He smirks at me and I cough. "Who are you?"

"Grayson, duh." He says rolling his eyes. I shut my locker and cross my legs, leaning against it.

"I don't recall." Cocky, much? I roll my eyes before turning away from him.

"I bet you do. Elizabeth told you all about me yesterday at the coffee shop." I begin to walk away but he grabs my shoulder and pulls me back.

"Actually she only told me your name," I say matter-of-factly."and how do you know this?"

"I have my ways." He says staring straight forward. I see Liz and her mouth drops.

"I gotta go." I scoff before running off to where Liz was sitting.

"You're talking to Grayson? I was gone for 10 minutes!" She says.

"It honestly wasn't hard. Just like talking to any other douchebag."

"What the actual fuck." She says, laughing.

I raise my eyebrows beginning to speak but Liz cuts me off.

"Grayson is looking at you." She says in a low tone while pointing in his direction. I turn around, catching his eye and he quickly averts his gaze back to whoever he had been talking to before he started staring.

If he so called "hated" people like us, why had he made an interaction with me? How did he know Liz?

And why, just why had he been staring at me?


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