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So much was running through my mind as the security officer escorted us outside. I didn't know whether or not to believe Grayson or never talk to him again.

"What is happening? Who was that person if it wasn't you or Ethan?!" I said, implying to the male in the video and the female who I thought was someone draped on Grayson.

"I have no clue. I'm just, I'm just going to ignore it. Its not a big deal, right?" Grayson said. I furrowed my eyebrows. Did he really think that some random people who faked being him weren't a threat to him?

"Bullshit. I know it was you Grayson. Fess up," I crossed my arms and kicked off my shoes.

"Stop it Mya," he grabbed my arms, locking me in place. "I. Was. Not. There. It'll all be over tomorrow."

"Whatever, Grayson. This isn't going to take a day to fix. Leave me the fuck alone," I explained this to him harshly, but he seemed more disappointed with everything I said.

"I just can't believe you're mad at me," Grayson started. I can't believe he had the audacity to say this.

"Oh really? You think this is my fucking problem? I could leave right now, and you'd figure this shit out on your own, you know. I'm trying to help and your being so stubborn. Just stop. If it wasn't you then act like it," I began to shout at him. I was highly aggravated. It took him a moment to say the words he wanted to.

"Okay, then leave. Maybe I will be better off without you at this point since all you're doing is chewing my ass out for something I never even did."

"Is that how you feel?" My cheeks got red as I stumbled to the door, grabbing my jacket.

"If if were how I felt, don't you think I would say it? And I did. So leave." His face was red with fury and his eyes were dark.

"Okay. I'm leaving, and I'm never coming back. Asshole." Tears stung my eyes and I tried to force them back, but they just kept falling and falling. I was walking back to my house, or my moms house I should say, because I just needed someone right now.

I walked down the dark road, my feet sloshing in the muddy puddles along the sidewalks. I saw my moms house come into view.

I walked up to my moms house, key in hand, and I began to unlock the door. I walked in.

"Mom? You here?" I called through the house. She replied shortly, and I semi-smiled.

My mom began to walk down the stairs slowly. She was with someone, again.

It was Mr. Dolan.

"Honey, I just received some news that Grayson made some bad decisions and Mr. Dolan feels as if is best you guys end your relationship until further notice."

"Grayson is...." I sighed, "he's not being the nicest to me, mom. I don't care what you believe, but never in my life will I ever face Grayson again. Mr. Dolan, your son has done nothing wrong. It's all my fault." I stomped up the stairs, and laid on my bed. I screamed into my pillow. His words kept rushing through my mind.

""Maybe I will be better off without you."

Fuck. He's right. He's probably fine, now. Better than ever. I guess that's what I get when I interfere with people like him. He's so dramatic.


I threw the frame at the wall, watching it shatter. What have I done? I can't control my life. I can't control anything. Everything in my life always goes wrong. I slide back against the walls, examining my bleeding knuckles.

How could I say such a thing?

I can't live without her.

Not nothing I said, nothing I did made her believe me. I was not at that shop and you'd catch me dead before you see me with another girl.

She's my everything, and I messed it all up because I was frustrated. I was fucking worried about myself, not her. I'm such a horrible person.

I sit there, sobbing. I hear the door open.

"Aye man. My flight was delayed so I'm leaving tomor— WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ethan threw all of his bags to the ground and sprinted over to me. I laid there, feeling faint. He looked at my hands. There were cuts all up my arms and on my hands, which were practically gushing blood.

I saw stars, I swear. I felt as if I could pass out.

I closed my eyes.

"Grayson, bud, what did you do? What the fuck are you doing?"

"Eth- I just want to take a nap."  I said, and everything disappeared.



SORRY FOR ALL THE DRAMA, but I like drama so eh. It'll be cleared up in a few chapters or so....


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