7: Feast of Starlight-Thranduil

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Imagine: Both you and Thranduil being drunk when he confesses his love for you.
Warning: Long. Mention of alcohol. People staring.
A/N: This kind of sucked. I'm on writer's block so...

I, a diplomat of the woodland realm, entered the great hall in which King Thranduil ordered the Feast of Starlight to be held. Thranduil had asked one of his servants to see me. For what exactly, the servant did not specify. I was one of Thranduil's best diplomats, but that gave me no advantage on his personality. He always remained behind the stone walls of his pride, harboring any emotion that wasn't anger. I had secretly liked Thranduil for quite sometime, but I had always told myself there was no way the King of the Woodland Realm would ever return my feelings. My luck wasn't good enough for such an event to occur.

"Y/N, my lady!" Thranduil called as a group of his servants dispersed to attend to their duties, waving me over.

I quickly made my way through the groups of working elves until I was met by Thranduil's unnerving blue eyes.

"My King," I said and bowed politely.

"Y/N, how many times?" Thranduil groaned.

"I must address you properly before I use that terminology, Thranduil," I replied as polite as I could.

"Very well. I only ask that you eat by my side this evening. I quite enjoy your company."

"Me, Thranduil? Why me?" I was astonished. Why should he want my presence at his table. The seats were meant for important nobles and the royal family, not diplomats.

"I have already said, my lady. I enjoy your presence. I want to know you better as well," Thranduil said, a small smile on his lips. "So, do accept my offer?"

"I suppose I could, I'll just have to cancel my plans with- oh right absolutely no one," I joked.

Thranduil let a breathy chuckle escape his lips at my comment.

"I shall see you tonight, mellon nin." Thranduil said before turning away, his hair swishing over his shoulder with the movement, his cloak engulfing him.

I turned to exit the room. Now that I had to sit at Thranduil's table, I had to rethink my attire for the evening.

- Later on that evening-

I observed myself in the mirror that stood across from my bed.

A lilac tunic, tied with white ribbon around the waist, overlapping a pale purple sleeveless dress. My (H/C) hair braided into the fanciest, but simplest, design I could manage.

I took a deep breath and turned to make my leave.

As I walked to the great hall, elleths that clung to ellons' arms stared at me disgustingly.

I just held my head high and continue walking.

I entered the great hall and immediately saw Thranduil.

He sat in a wooden throne that resembled a tree, with the top fanning out in different directions, as if they were branches. He wore a simple circlet that was adorned with a sparkling white gem. His silver robes clung to just the right parts of his body while the midnight blue cloak billowed out around him. He looked magnificent and the mere sight of him made my breath catch in my throat and my heart skip a beat. His ice blue eyes met my (E/C) ones. He gestured to the chair adjacent to his own chair.

I pointed to myself and mouthed, "me?"

He nodded and I blushed, quickly making my way over to the empty space. A servant pulled the chair away from the table so I could sit down.

"Thank you," I said as I sat down.

The servant just nodded and scurried off.

"You look very beautiful, my lady." Thranduil commented.

"Thank you, my lord. You look quite stunning yourself, if you don't mind me saying."

Thranduil smiled.

Some of the nobles already sitting at the table gave me dirty looks. Especially one elleth who wore a stunning blue gown, and whose hair was tied up, showing off her long pointed ears. But most were deep in conversation, so no one would notice if Thranduil spoke to me.

"Don't mind her," Thranduil chuckled, "she is only angry for I did not allow her to be betrothed to Legolas."

"Oh," I mumbled.

"Is something the matter?" Thranduil asked a frown appearing on his pale, sculpted face.

"I don't belong at this table, my king."

"Of course you do, you are the best diplomat in all of Mirkwood and I would bet in all of Rivendell as well. Now, would you care for a drink?" Thranduil asked.

"Thank you. I would appreciate a drink," I said, a blush and smile taking over my features.

A servant placed a glass of wine in front of me and Thranduil lifted his glass to toast with me.

I returned his gesture before taking a sip of my own refreshment.

I talked with Thranduil for a long time. Thranduil kept insisting I had another glass of wine, and before I knew it, both myself and the King couldn't remember what kingdom we were currently in.

"So, do you, um, have like, a thing for anybody?" Thranduil asked with a lot of eye rolling and funny hand gestures.

"No, i'm afraid I don't, Thranduil. A dwarvish horse is about the only thing that would find me attractive," I said, lazily shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, last time I checked I found you quite attractive and I'm not a dwarvish horse," Thranduil chuckled, propping his elbow up on the armrest of his throne and resting his cheek on his hand.

"What are you getting at?" I asked.

"Well, I thought it was obvious. I love you, Y/N." Thranduil smiled and waggled his eyebrows at me. Valar, his eyebrows.

"I may love you too, Thranduil," I replied sneakily.

Thranduil then bent down and placed a kiss on my cheek. Surprisingly, it wasn't sloppy, despite the excess amount of wine he had consumed.

The dances had started and all the nobles had left the table, but I didn't care. Lust and happiness were the only thing I could think of from that moment on.

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