25: The Frail and the Fault - Elrond

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Request: Could I please request an Imagine with Elrond where he won't touch/kiss the reader because he thinks it would be unhealthy to be together due do to the age difference + "We can only admire the beauty of the stars because they are far away; any closer, and they would they would destroy us.

A/N: Yay, more Elrond. I think I need to start something where any and all requests for Elrond go to me and I'll write them. I'll call it Project Elrond lol.

Translations: none

Abbreviations: H/C: Hair color, S/T: Skin tone

Warnings: Elrond feels (hopefully)

Words: 2000+ (sorry)

As the day of the Feast of Starlight approached at a rapid pace, the stars seemed to grow ever more abundant in the inky oblivion that resided over head when the sun gave way to the limited reign of the moon. I had travelled to the House of Elrond, Imladris, from my humble household in Lothlorien. Lord Elrond himself had sent for me, seeing as my adroit ballads were well known and sought after, despite my mere age of 3,550 years. Yes, I wasn't the youngest elleth, but I was definitely not the oldest either. The majority of my vast number of hosts were older than I by thrice. I had been told many times over that I seemed older upon performing than I appeared when there was a vacancy of burlesques, and Lord Elrond himself had been no different.

The gracious elf lord was ever polite to me, though, and had bestowed upon me the comforts of a warm bed and his aid, should I ever need it. But I had not failed to realize that he had yet to make any sort of physical contact with me. I wasn't begging, nor presuming, any extremity, but a single brush of fingers while handing an object off would satisfy me. The ellon's behavior was too definite for the absence to be a coincidence.

Perhaps, it was the age difference between our two beings or, by chance, a mild revulsion that caused Lord Elrond's actions. My mind still opposed itself, again, as I considered my many encounters with Lord Elrond over the duration of my stay.

Each encounter was graced with the illumination of the ellon's grey orbs, ones that held the intensity of an oncoming tempest, and his thin lips instantly pulled into a smile, no matter the position he was in at that given moment. When we conversed upon greeting one another while in the grandeur of Imladris's halls, he discarded his placid, immaculate stature and replaced it with one of genuine interest. I had heard tales of multiple beings' encounters with Lord Elrond and none corresponded in the slightest with my own experiences.

All these thoughts battled within my mind, causing my stomach to turn in self-consciousness as I made my way urgently to Elrond's study in search of the location of unused harp strings. During a previous  practice, one of mine snapped and left me in dire need as a consequence of the untimely predicament.

"My lord," I called cautiously. "Are you in there?" My inquiry was accompanied by a soft rap upon the warm, chestnut shaded wood of the door. The wait was short lived as Elrond opened the door, handsomely clad in mulberry and wine hued robes, hair intricately woven through a glinting, silver circlet that rested just above his brow. Vilya, his ring, ensnared one nimble finger and brown leather boots climbed a small feat before ending abruptly above his knee. The paraphernalia was quite stunning, the sight even rendering me speechless for a meager moment.

"Lady Y/N," Elrond's rich voice chimed, a hint of mirth in his tone. "What was so troublesome that you've come to me at such a late hour?"

"Well," I began, nervously shifting my harp so it laid more securely in my grasp. "I was tuning earlier in preparation for the feast and one of my strings was fractured and now I find myself in need of another instrument or replacement twine. I was hoping you might know where such items are kept."

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