13: My Perfect Star - Haldir

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Request: Do you mind doing a comfort Haldir fic? I've been down recently and was just wanting something fluffy and lighthearted. Like struggling with body image but he doesn't care kind of thing?

A/N: An anon asked this fic of me and I gladly wrote it. I know I am new, but don't be afraid to talk to me. My messages are always open, if you need to talk to someone. I will listen to anything you have to say. I want you guys to be happy :) (Also sorry this took me so long to write. I was away from home for a few days, but I am back and ready to write. Furthermore, I obsessed with space obviously and elves seem to worship the stars so that's why a lot of my titles have stars or something of that nature in it.)

Type: Reader Insert / Fluff

Warnings: Body Image trigger

Words: 1,093

I sighed dejectedly as I stared into the mimicking mirror that was the centerpiece from which my griefs bled. And, oh, how grand that centerpiece was. How a simple sheet of glass could control my perceptions, and fuel my judgment, was beyond me, but then again, how simple did that make me? The endless hours I spent longing for food or pinching and prodding and smoothing did not help the few extra layers of fat that surrounded my potentially decent body.

Tonight I was trying to look my best, for Lord Elrond of Imladris and the elvenking, King Thranduil, would be visiting. I slipped my grey silks and white dresses on, but the ensemble hugged my form closely. I just had the dress tailored and it was tight around my hips and pushed my breasts up till they were almost coming out of the dress itself, which was to my dissatisfaction. Not to mention, it made it incredibly hard to breathe in.

As I stared into the mirror for a few more minutes, tears began to well up, making my image in the mirror swim, the proportions becoming more wrecked with each passing second.

Before I knew it, I was crying, tears streaming from my eyes in torrent rapids.

I was never as thin as the other elleths in Lothlorien and surely all of Middle Earth for that matter. And it wasn't like I heard all the comments thrown around about me and my weight.

The Elvenking was told to have the coldest facade of any elf ever to walk Middle Earth and Lord Elrond's calculating gaze was enough to make any guilty conscious quiver in fear. I soon decided I would not be one of the elves greeting the Lord and King as they arrived in the woods of Lady Galadriel. I would say I hadn't felt well enough to go before such royalty the next day.

Acting upon my decision, I slipped under the covers of my bed after changing into my nightgown. I cried for what seemed like hours before my eyelids finally fell.

When I awoke, it was to the sound of frantic knocking on my door and soft calls of, "YN, my love. Oh Y/N, please open the door."

I looked to my window and saw scattered stars blinking softly in the inky backdrop of sky.

"It's open," I called back softly.

The door swung wide, revealing a worried looking Haldir, who shut the door once he had entered and turned back to me with a heart-wrenching expression on his pristine features.

"Oh, Y/N, my darling," he whispered frantically. He sat down on the edge of the bed and took my face into careful hands. "You had me so worried. Where were you?"

"Here," I murmured regretfully, my eyes finding a sudden interest in my hands, which sat shyly in my lap, fumbling with one another.

Haldir lifted my chin, so that I had no choice but to look into his once blue eyes. Now they had a cloudy grey hue to them. His thumbs pressed into my cheeks gently, inspecting the puffiness that came as a result from crying.

"Y/N, meleth, what has troubled you?" his rich voice asked gently.

Not wanting to trouble him further, I shook my head and tried to hide the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"Y/N, I know you were crying," Haldir said. "You can tell me. I'll always be here for you."

Hearing those words were enough to free the river of tears blocked by the dam that was my eyes. How could Haldir always be there for me when I was surely one of the most bovine elleths in all of Middle Earth. How could he stand it, not having someone worthy enough in looks and in the unknown lands of the mind, that is to say someone who is not me.

"Y/N, darling, please tell me," Haldir breathed. "It hurts me seeing you this way."

"How can you stand it, Haldir?" I moaned. "How do you stand to look at me everyday? Why do you remain loyal to me with all the talk that continues to be passed around behind my back? Do you hear what they say? They call me fat, useless, ridiculously brainless! And they say you should be with someone more worthy!" My hands had made their way to Haldir's wrists, and the tears pouring from my eyes seemed to burn themselves into my skin.

The look Haldir gave me only made my heartache and melancholy claim more territory in my brain, for I thought that he would most definitely leave me, in that very moment. His clouded eyes cleared and his eyebrows scrunched closer together.

"Y/N, how could you dwell on such things. I'm nothing but helplessly in love with you, my dearest," Haldir murmured, a small reassuring tenderness extending across his lips as he rested his forehead against my own. "Yes, I do hear what they say. I hear it everyday. But, in all honesty, I would rather invest my love and fidelity in you. And I have never seen a more beautiful elleth than the delicacy that is you, my darling. And the fact that I now am privileged enough to harbor feelings for you, and be repaid with your admiration, takes me beyond the stars."

"You mean it, truly?" I asked my voice quivering.

"With my very being, yes," Haldir replied before gingerly placing a lustful kiss on my nose.

I smiled to myself, as I mentally tossed away the doubts and fears that previously rained havoc within my head.

Haldir returned my grin before holding his arms out, begging to engulf my form within them, an offer I blissfully accepted.

Haldir's soft tendrils of hair tickled my face as I buried my face within his strong chest. Once I had settled myself within the confines of Haldir's strong build and soothing aura, Haldir took his cloak and blanketed us both within it's folds.

"Will you cuddle with me?" I asked quietly.

"Of course," Haldir murmured, placing a unfeigned kiss into my hair.

I removed myself from Haldir's lap so he could strip down to his trousers, climbing under the pleasantly heated linens once more, the soft warmth that came with sleep seeping back into my skin.

Haldir joined me, pulling me closer to his now bare chest, his rippling muscles lay waiting beneath my fingertips.

"May you return to a peaceful slumber, my perfect star," Haldir murmured, before we both drifted off into the delicate dreamland of torpidity. 

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