42: An Offer of Love - Elrond

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Request from little-red-83 on tumblr​ : If you are still doing the five word prompts, I would love it if I could get Don't you dare walk away with Elrond?? Please and thank you :)

A/N: Um, yes, I will need you to sign a contract that says you are okay with me brutally ripping your heart from your chest. You also must agree to not kill me after reading this. I cried writing this, and I don't usually, so that is saying something. I apologize in advance. PS: if you want to mutilate your heart more, listen to the song.

Translations: Hiril nin: My lady, Mellon nin: My friend, Le annon veleth nin: I give you my love, Geric veleth nin: You have my love.

Abbreviations: E/C: Eye color


Words: 1400

A comfortable hum of useless chatter echoed throughout the great halls of Imladris as elleths were spun beneath the mingling shine of the stars and the silvery glow of the lanterns by handsomely dressed ellons, creating multiple parts of one swirling mass of soft hair and lavish silk.

I had not spent one moment of the Feast of Starlight participating in such joyous activities, but rather, sitting at the head of one of many tables with Lord Elrond, joking like the children we once were and growing ever so slightly intoxicated with Dorwinion wine, imported from Mirkwood.

Elrond had been my most trusted friend, ever since the Second Age, when he had established what was now my home, Imladris, the Last Homely House. And ever since my aging mind could comprehend such feelings, I had developed a passionate adoration for the ebony haired ellon, an ellon who began to become more to me over time. I had lusted so desperately for him that I would do anything to be close to him on a daily basis, a decision which had landed me as Head Scribe for Elrond's council. Sadly, I was still alone in the desolate eternity time proposed and my mad cravings for Elrond's affections had only amplified, leaving me in a thick haze of melancholy.

"I do hope you don't mind, mellon nin, but I fear this room his growing too warm for my liking. Perhaps you would accompany me on a walk through the gardens?" Elrond asked, as a particularly fast tempoed song graced the instruments of the ever so talented minstrels. I accepted graciously, wanting to be rid of the stuffy air and possibly have time in which I could talk to my lifelong friend without any interrupting scoundrels. The pair of us made a quick escape, slowing our pace to a leisurely stroll when we reached the plots in which robust bushes of Azaleas dwelt. The Azalea was a flower that had always symbolized a fragile passion between two entities, and it reminded me of my fervent feelings for my Lord Elrond. And by finding myself walking, arm in arm, under the light of moon and stars, with Elrond, surrounded by a flowers of a love that represented mine, my heart was sent into a fluttering flight within the confines of my chest.

"Would you allow me this dance, hiril nin?" Elrond's sweet, silken voice asked, cutting through the silence that accompanied any peaceful evenfall, as I begun to realize a loving and deeply passionate ballad was being performed, the song drifting from the many balconies connected to the great hall and into the cool breeze that kissed my skin through the fabric of my dress, the notes gracing my ears delightfully.

"Oh, uh," I stuttered nervously, feeling my heart beat wildly and my lungs gasp weakly for air that seemed to become non-existent. Is this what love feels like, I asked myself, and unfortunately my mind was elsewhere as I gave Elrond an answer, one which I thought I would most definitely regret, "why not? I love you."

As I realized what harsh truths had stumbled from my lips, I quickly tried to regain my dignity and cover the awkward situation, but Elrond's eyes, his ever widening, sterling orbs, ones that seemed to be forged from pure starlight, kept me from doing so adequately. "I-I mean, I would love to. Ah! Not that I don't love you! I-I... I should go."

As the words stumbled from my mouth, my throat constricted, my voice becoming shaky with the oncoming slaughter of tears. I ripped my hand from the warmth Elrond's comforting ones provided, reluctantly turning away as tears started to cascade down the valleys of my cheeks, ones that I realized were so much like those of Imladris, the elven city which Elrond ruled with a steady hand and a loving heart. It did not aid me in staunching the hot tears, though, as a firm grasp encased my wrist.

"Y/N," Elrond murmured, his voice desperate and almost, dare I say... loving, "don't you dare walk away. Don't you dare turn your back on me, for I love you, deeply and more than you could ever know."

Upon hearing these words, my heart stopped momentarily as I gazed back at Elrond. His eyes, usually so calm and stoic, now held a certain adoration that I realized Elrond had been giving me all these years, one that had begun my never ceasing descend into an ever growing pit of lust.

Elrond took a careful step towards me, his hand that had previously been wrapped around my arm now moving to linger at my hip, his soft fingers caressing the sensitive skin through the many layers of varying gray hues of silk, while his other rose to touch my jaw softly, as if I would break from the amount of emotion Elrond conveyed through his simple brushes against my skin. The sensation of his lean form pressed ever so gently against mine was enough to steal my breath as waterfalls continued to pour from my E/C orbs. 

"Oh, my fragile bird," Elrond sighed, a single tear slipping from his watery eyes, his thumbs wiping at my eyes, to rid them of a sadness that ached greatly, fatally in both our hearts. It was all I could do to collapse into the warmth Elrond's hands provided, to partially hide my face from the calculating, loving irises, "ever since I first saw you, all those years ago, I had a childlike obsession with you, an obsession that was more than platonic, an obsession which, over time, has evolved into this beautifully complex and dangerous vortex of emotion that has been centered around you. For Illuvatar's sake, how I have been so blind to your love leaves me stunned. I am to blame for your doubt, your uncertainty of where you should place your feelings and I have never brooded more heavily in grief than I do now. But I swear to you Y/N, I would care for you like no other has or ever will. I would love you with all my being, all my heart and soul, if only... if only, by some miracle, that you would let me love you. I swear Y/N, do not walk away from me, do not run, I mean you no harm, I could only ever love you, darling."

My sobs only intensified as I hugged Elrond with as much passion as I could bestow upon him in the form of a hug.

"Oh, Y/N, my Y/N, my sweetling who deserves the whole of Arda and Ea and so much more, do not sob, sweet one, I only wish to bestow upon you my love. Is that action, that hope, really that terrible?"

I felt a several tears fall into my hair, ones that I knew where not mine and I looked up to see Elrond, weeping as he hugged me to his chest.

"No, no, no, Elrond," I hushed, my fingers digging for my handkerchief that lingered somewhere within the pockets of my robe. When I found it, I dabbed lightly at the river of tears, a river that had once been a mere, meandering stream, "I am sobbing because I love you, Elrond. These are tears of joy, not sadness and I promise you, anyone who thinks your love, your adoration, your devotion, is terrible or worthless, then they are not me, because I will treasure your affections with as much care, if not more, as you have vowed to me. I love you and I always have. I have always loved you, Elrond, my lord, my love."

By the end of my confession, a smile, one that I had only had the pleasure to view once before, tugged at the corners of Elrond's lips, an adoring smile that truly rivaled and outshone the stars, the sun, the moon and every galaxy that existed in the vast expanse above. I wrapped my arms around Elrond's torso, burying my face into the scent of mountain air, and the ocean and the slightest hint of Dorwinion Wine, a scent that I would cherish and long for for the rest of my not so lonely eternity. I could feel Elrond's arms envelop me, a hand toying with the soft tendrils of my hair as the sweet voice hummed in Elrond's chest, below my head.

"Geric veleth nin, Y/N."

"Le annon veleth nin."



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