56: The Night We Met - Lindir

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Request from coffeeconsumer37 : One where he and the reader have a son. One night he can't sleep and they decide to go on a walk around Rivendell telling him the story of how his parents met. 

A/N: I found this request to be so cute! And sorry for not posting lately. I dropped my study hall for another music class so know I have to do all of my homework at home and its been a lot. But hey, I'll be able to write as much as I can for a week bc I'm on spring break. Hopefully, summer comes quickly so I can write even more. Also, I changed up the requested plot a little bit so hope you all enjoy. AND IF YOU NEED A VISUAL FOR THE DRESS THE READER WEARS, LOOK AT THE VERY END OF THIS FIC!!!

Translations:  gwinig: little baby, ethuil: spring , melethron nin: my beloved (masculine)

Abbreviations:  H/C: hair color, E/C: eye color 

Warnings: None

Words: ~1350

The sharp cries of a baby pierced my ears as I awoke, my hands lingering on my tired eyes as I rubbed them wearily. The sky was still shrouded in a midnight blue outside and the silvery stars still glittered above. I sat up in bed and allowed my hands to drop to my side where the warmth of another being tingled softly against my fingers. I looked down to where my hand had landed upon the silken sheets, and saw the elegant fingers of my wife's hand beneath my own. The wedding ring I had given her laid like a small ounce of starlight upon her finger as it glinted in the moonlight streaming in through the windows.

Her lips were plump and her hair flowed lusciously over her shoulders and down onto the white linens beneath her. Her skin was smooth under the caress of the sweet moonlight. Her eyelashes were long and luscious as the tips laid against the joyful roundness of her cheeks as she slept soundly. At that moment, I was completely engulfed by Y/N's insurmountable beauty and my heart swelled with love for the elleth who slept peacefully beside me, her beautiful hand touching mine.

Although, the moment was once again broken by the cries of the child in the adjacent room.

Ever since our son, Calanon, had been born, Y/N had refused the comfort of sleep for days on end to care for our child and making sure he was content in all aspects of his simple little life. She had selflessly given her all to our child, and while I admired her deeply for it, I had also been begging her to care for herself with even an ounce of the love she gave our child and I. Tonight was one of the rare nights she would actually allow herself some rest, and I was determined not to let the beauty whom I loved so dearly be awoken from the sleep she so desperately needed.

And so, I jumped from the beg and quietly shuffled to our child's crib, lifting the small elfling from his bedding and cradling him softly.

"Shh, gwinig," I cooed, bouncing the child lightly in my arms as his cries only worsened. "Please hush. Your mother needs her sleep."

My hand gently caressed the delicate hairs that swept across the pale skin of our son's head. I whispered small hushes and yet, Calanon's cries were as loud and as piercing as before.

"Oh, Calanon please," I begged the infant as I moved to the door and looked longingly at my lovely wife before slipping through it.

The sweet air of the midnight hour blew gently across the skin of Calanon and I's faces leaving them ever so slightly chilled at the extremities. The sensation seemed to calm Calanon and I swayed gently, shushing him all the while.

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