Part 4 the deal and Yuki

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After i took yuki to the hospital she went home i told her to meet me behing the school tommorw so i could start training her. So i went home and lied down and went to sleep.

*dream sequence*

What were am i i asked no one in partiqular i was surrounded by darkness the only light coming from my eyes i then realised i was in my mindscape oh god not you again cipher i groaned. Well someones not happy to see me of course im not you tried stealing my body i will not help you hell would have to freaze over first! I screamed oh but you will help me see a family in Gravity Falls Organ is getting close to uncovering my secret and if you dont help me ill show them everything you've done and they go to the police because they dont know the people your killing are from the yakusa you go to jail bing bang boom. Know do we have a deal the dream demon streched out his hand hich was covered in blue flames fine i said on one condition what i want a reward and what kind would that be ill tell you when im done so what do you want me to do kill the kids and their family. Deal i said so where do i need to go once i get to gravity falls? I asked the mystery shack okay and bill i said as i started walking out yes it will be a couple days before i can go and my reward i want is for you and me to fuck because ill admit you have a nice body in your human form. I said and looked back and saw bill blushing as red as a tomato have a nice day bill i said as i woke up.

*end of dream sequence*

I woke up and saw it was two hours till school started so i got up got dressed and made breckfest and when i sat down to eat my food and saw yuki sleeping on the couch i went over and woke her up hey yuki what in the blue blazes are you doing in my apartment i asked. My dad kicked me out and i had no where to go so i picked the lock and slept on your couch. She said sweetly okay remind me to get too more locks when im out but i geuss you can stay here as long as i dont wake up to a knife at my throat. Okay thank you she said well i kind of owe you since i did get you kicked out. Well here i said as i handed here my breckfest pancakes and toast ill be back i said im getting a shower i said as i got my cloths and went to get a shower.

*Yuki's view*

Kekekekeke hes getting a shower time to see what hes working with i said as i set my food down i went to peek in the bathroom and started feeling my nose bleed he was hotter than sam for gods sakes! He had a eight pack was super muscular and had the most delicious looking member i had every seen i think i may like him more than sam but aperently he must havee herd me you know if you wanted to look at me i could have just stripped for you he said making me blush even harder now if youll excuse me i need to get a shower not with out me i mumbled and i swear he must have super hearing i told you i was gay buuuuuut i supose if you want you can join me he said at that im sure my face was as red as a tomato re-really i said sure if you want we can experiment Sebastion said i was just blushing harder i swear all the blood in my body was in my face i slowly sarted stripping and soon i was left in nothing but my bra and pantys i was blushing like crazy he slowly unclasped my bra and took it off and then my pantys and he pulled me into the shower and pushed me up against the wall and licked my cheak lovely you taste like insanity i love it he said. He started licking all over my face then he started kissing me and i gasped and when i did he slipped his tounge into my mouth i moaned  and felt his teeth with my tounge and they were increadibly sharp but i went back to what was happening i would ask him about that later i tried my hardest to gain dominance in the fight between our tounges but he won he was very skilled so he must have done this before he than slipped a finger inside of me i was a mess thankfully the water stopped the pain acting as a natural lubericant. He then added another then one more and all at once he started thrusting them in and out he pulled his lips away from mine so i could breath i was moaning like crazy he then did a scissoring motion with all his fingers he then pulled them out and i whined he then told me to bend over i did a was loving being dominated by someone he then with one thrust burried himself into me he and i moaned at the same time he then started thrusting in and out of me at a fast pace and he kept hitting my g-spot like he knew where it was before all this started i came and had one of the best orgasims in my life he then pulled ot of me ready for more he asked? Oh yeah he then thrust into my ass and was fucking me hard as hell by the time he came i had cum two more times he then turned me around and kissed me then we washed up got out of the shower and got dressed we then went and ate breckfest and i told him not to tell anyone what we did and said okay then we went to the store and got the things we needed for class and headed for school we made it into class just in time.

*the end of Yukis pov*

I wnt and sat down and once again in class we did nothing once lunch hit i went and sat with sam taurtis Jay who this was the first time i was meeting and i sat down we saw they were going to extend the tables so Yuki could sit with us tommorow so how have you been sam asked good except for waking up ith Yuki sleeping on my couch i said. Wait why was Yuki in your apartment? She got kcicked out by her dad so she broke in and slept on my couch she'll be staying with me i said Okay makes sense I just don't know why she came to your house she could have come to our house wait how did she know where you lived well she tried to kill me oh okay then. Ring ring the bell rang we went o gym and played dodgeball with toilet paper I then went home with Yuki and went to bed and she went to bed to.

*more Yuki pov*

I waited about an hour and went into his room and lied down with him and put my head on his chest then I herd him start talking in his sleep shut up cipher I'll kill the kids and their family I'll head to gravity falls tomorrow but remember our deal I kill them and we fuck good just making sure you remembered. What was he talking about I'll ask him tomorrow but I fell asleep on his chest.

The end for now my lovely people.

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