Part 16 rowmen torchwick and the white fang

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the rest of the school day went on with out any problems the only class i really paid attention to was history which told me some very interesting things. that eons ago the moon shattered dropping three shards to earth the first one made the grimm the second one made the humans and the third one made the animals but some of the second and third shard collided creating the faunus. all in all this universes history was very interesting but one thing had me curious with all the different species of grimm how had they been made if the second and third shards of the moon created being of light how had the first one created darkness all in all i think my time here would be interesting. after the school day ended i asked m team to show me around the town they were talking telling me about all the shops and food saying i would need to get a new outfit i don't need clothes i said why they all asked in union. because i can wake them appear i said using the black mist to change my clothes to a suit and casual clothes and back to my regular outfit. now weiss i said hmm she asked what are in those containers on your rapier i asked oh those those are filled with dust dust? i asked confused yeah they can be used for well magic basically like fire water ice and lightning ohh okay i said understanding we use it for everything they make cars planes and guns work really i said you don't use gunpowder for your guns i asked no that's not very common here okay now ruby i said hmm she asked pull out your scythe you mean crescent rose yeah sure i said i had a question about is what she said bringing it out well mine is a lot like yours i said pulling blood thorn out but the one thing i never could figure out was what this space on it was for i said showing her ohh thats for a clip a clip i said okay but its not a gun i said well let me see ahh here she said hitting a button on blood thorn i hadn't seen before blood thorn then changed into a rifle and a scope popped out of it hmm light weight and a good scope i like it and ruby what bullets does yours use ohh a 40. caliber she said hmm okay i'll have to pick some up on the way back i then changed blood thorn back into a scythe and put it away and ruby put crescent rose away. they showed me all around town and when we were done it was getting dark so i figured i would get some bullets tomorrow i was walking to the plane jet thing to take us back to the academy when i saw a guy robbing a shop i stopped and everyone kept walking but i walked over to the shop and saw a guy in a white coat with a bowler hat on and a cane pointed at the shot keeper so i guessed it was a gun i quietly opened the door and walked around and put my mask n pulling my hood up hey i said catching the guys attention sorry kid the place is closed he said putting his cane down quick enough so he though i didn't see him pointing it at the clerk oh sorry put you know robbing is illegal i said well since you know the truth get him boys he said his goons coming at me their were three of them the first one tried hitting me with a baseball bat when he ran at me i dodged to the side avoiding his swing i then kicked his leg breaking it i then picked him up and swung him at the next guy coming at me the guy i swung him at had a sword and he stabbed his teammate in the chest i then ran at him while he was pulling his sword out of his friend and used it to stab him i looked over to see the guy with the cane was gone i looked outside and saw him walking off i threw one of the corpses through one of the windows and jumped out it and said hey asshole weir not done yet he looked over at me as i unfolded blood thorn i ran at him and he fired his cane at the ground creating an explosion so it shot flares when the smoke cleared i saw him climbing up a ladder to a roof i put blood thorn on my back running at the ladder i jumped catching the fifth bar and climbing it i reached the top and the cane guy was at the middle of the building roof i pulled blood thorn off my back and twirled it in my hands who are you the cane guy asked why don't you tell me who you are i said. rowmen torchwick well rowmen i said bowing reapers the name and killing the game i said i then ran at him with blood thorn ready to swing and he shot a flare and i jumped over it bringing blood thorn down in front of him just barely missing when i pulled blood thorn out of the ground he was at the edge of the building no where to go rowmen i said twirling blood thorn ohh really he said as a bullhead appeared behind him i had learned the name of them while walking around the town he jumped on and with my enhanced vision i saw a girl in a red dress in the bull head she stepped into the light rowmen why do i keep having to save you she asked i don't know cinder just kill him rowmen said. okay cinder said as some lines on her clothes turned bright orange and she fired a huge explosion of fire at me but when it blocked her view i dissapiered and appeared in the cockpit and walked back to where they were but i blended into the shadows and they didn't see me jeez cinder you incinerated the guy no she didn't i said stepping out of the shadows how the hell she asked ohh hears the thing sweety darkness is my element i said disappearing and reappearing behind her flicking her in the back of the head and disappearing again then when i reappeared i got whacked in the back of the head with a crowbar and got knocked out.

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