Part 17 my time here is done

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5 hours later reapers pov

i woke up feeling someone squirming on my chest i looked down to see ruby asleep with her head against my chest i looked over at the clock and saw what time it was and nearly chocked me and my team were meant to be gone for the mission we were assigned and half an hour ruby i said shaking her awake huh she said looking up at me and jumping we need to get dressed i said the mission starts in 30 minutes what she said jumping up guys she said guys wake up she said running around shaking everyone awake and putting on her clothes come on she said standing at the door i changed into my outfit and walked over to her waiting for everyone else we got ready and walked to the bull head to go off on the mission i saw jaune pyraha ren and nora there waiting on us hey guys i said walking up i then told the rest of my team to get their weapons out why they asked s i can et a picture of you all with them i said pointing to the others okay they said standing next to them and pulling their weapons out i got out my scroll and took a picture perfect i said lets go i said walking in and sitting down.

3 hours later reapers pov

i got up from my seat when we got there this mission was all about protecting a village from a horde of grimm this would be my first time seeing one we were hovering above the ground when the doors opened i was the first to jump out then everyone else came the village was over run with the grimm i ran at one pulling blood thorn out slicing one of them in half i ran at the next one and chopped its head off i turned around and said these things aren't so tough i said look out yang screamed and the next thing i knew i had a burning pain i my chest i looked down and saw a claw coming out the front of my chest i looked up and said i love you ruby before i disappeared.

rubys pov

was just starring in horror reaper was their hanging with a beowolfs claw stuck out of his chest then he mumbled i love you ruby before disappearing i ran at the beowolf and killed him i then used my semblance to kill all the remaining grimm i then ran back into the bull head and locked myself in the bathroom crying.

3 days later rubys pov

reaper was dead ozphin had tore down the statue in the courtyard and replaced it with one of reaper to remember him i was their standing with my team ozphin and general ironwoods well i can't believe that psychopath is dead i knew that voice i turned around to see cinder with torchwick what are you doing here ozphin asked whats it look like mourning the loss of my best man what do you mean i asked ha cinder laughed were do you think he got the money she said no i said in disbelieve relax ozphin im not here to fight im here to do this she said pulling out a boutique of black flowers she walked up to the statue and put the flowers down and said ruby i have something for you what i asked reaper gave it to me and said if something ever happened to him he wanted you to have this she said throwing my cloak at me i grabbed it and unfolded it looking at the back of it it had a black rose sowed into it he also gave me this she said handing me a piece of paper he told me not to read it and for fear of him murdering me she said handing me a piece of paper i unfolded it and read it out loud my dear ruby i made your cloak better it now has the property's of the other one i gave you if your reading this then i have died know that i love you but this is not the end for me for im almost positive if i die from something like the grimm i will just appear in another universe but if something else kills me im sure i will die either way know that i love you goodbye reaper. i just started crying.

reapers pov

ohh shit i said appearing in the sky again why do i keep appearing in the sky when i come to a new universe i said picking up speed heading for the platform i saw it was in the middle of the ocean i then saw a group of people in colored power armor i picked up some more speed heading straight in front of them i would land at their feet i looked over and saw a bunch of guys in non colored power armor and one was sitting in front of a mounted minigun i crashed right in front of the group of people who looked like they were in danger i stood up and popped my neck this agent Carolina to the mother of invention did you just send someone our way no why? a voice on an intercom asked because some person just dropped out of the sky what! are they friendly i have no clue carolina said i pulled the little handle sticking out of the box blood thorn folded up into and swung it out unfolding blood thorn i ran at the gun at the minigun and jumped up slicing the pole holding up the platform sending them all into the ocean i then ran at a group of people slicing them in half i put blood thorn on my back and pulled out my shotguns and started firing them into the crowd of people shooting them i then used the sickle to cut down 5 people tat just left the group on the left side  i teleported in the middle of them and grabbed one of them and turned around using him to block the bullets that came my way i threw his corpse at them knocking 5 people off the platform that just left ten people i pulled out my revolvers and fired two shots two down i jumped in the air spinning in a circle i fired four more shots 6 down i walked up to one of them and grabbed his throat and i threw him at the other guys knocking two more of them off the platform nine down i said i put one revolver away and walked up to the last guy who was cowering i ripped his helmet off and stuck the revolver in his mouth never fear the reaper is here i screamed pulling the trigger blowing a hole in the back of his head i put the revolver away and jumped down to were the other people were. carolina yes director you bring me back what ever that thing is i want to talk to it yes sir she said well that was fun i said walking up to them and the girl carolina hit me in the face i turned my head she hit me again i then said you want me to turn around for you so you can hit the soft spot on the head were if you hit people they get knocked out pretty easy sure she said its right here i said showing her were to hit me i mean i ended up here for a reason she hit me and it went black.

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