The beauty of being a maid

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I walk into the pent house sweet and almost faint from the beauty. There's silk curtains, duvet bedding, mahogany wood, and so much more.

"I know right," laughs Annie seeing my surprise and amazement that just one room could have so much beauty.
"Hey, take off your shoes and feel the plush carpet." Annie says disappearing into one of the many rooms.

I take off my shoes and roam around for a minute. When you walk in there's a round table with a giant vase of flowers. The just past the tables a set of French doors that lead to a beautiful balcony where you can se the whole city. There's two more doors on each end of the balcony leading to two more rooms. I look and the one on the left them right. Right when I walk into the second room I know it's the master. Giant tv, huge king sized bed, a bathroom bigger then my whole apartment. I can't resist, I untie my apron and let loose! I jump onto the bed and sink down in the silk covers. There's also a remote so you can choose if you want your bed squishy or soft. I play around with that for a second and then find the chocolate!!

"Hey!" Yells a half angry half giggly voice. "I just made that bed," Annie laughs jumping in it with me.
"Haha, this is really too much," I say.
"Ya well it does cost 2,500 a night," says Annie.
"Wow! Who would even pay that!" I say as we stand up.
"Apparently the Marcus family,0 Annie says looking at a clip board with names on it.
"Now help me remake this bed!" She laughs.
"Oh and I have some really important news for you! I met a guy," she says. "Another one?
"Hey! The guy is different. You'll never guess how he asked me out,"
"Tell me"
"Ok so we were both standing inside at this restraunt staring at the pouring rain outside. I parked across the super busy street and I was wondering how am I supposed to get to my car without ruining my brand new heels and makeup. So after a while he comes up to me and talked to me. After the conversation he just gives me my umbrella and tells me to keep it. So I get to my car all nice and dry. when I shake the umbrella to dry it off so I can close it a piece of paper falls out with his number on it. I called him and we've been on two dates."
"Wow," I say finishing up the bed.
"You don't seem so exited?"
"Well, it is the 4th boyfriend you've had in the past 4 months," I say.
"Eh, I get bored," she laughs.
"Oh I almost forgot the best part come here," she says dragging me out into the hallway.
"What?" I ask as we poke our heads out the door.
"Just wait,"
"What is it?"
We wait a good minute or so until we hear the elevator.
"Here we go,"
"You could have timed it better,"
"Shut up," she laughs.

A tall, muscular, perfect man walks out of the elevator carrying six bags. It's Liam.
Liam is a 6'4 tan, muscular, perfect human being. He has dark brown eyes that sparkle when the light hits them, a gorgeous smile, soft, smooth and touchable brown hair with just the right amount of volume on the top. He's the eye candy for basically everyone in the hotel.
"Hi Annie hi Selena" says Liam.
"Hey Liam" says Annie obviously flirting. He drops the bags right outside the door and walks off.
"I thought you were in a relationship!" I say.
"It's not super exclusive" she laughs.
"Alright enough games I have to get to my acting lesson" I say.

I run downstairs and change into blue jeans and a pink tank top with a dark blue cardigan.
It doesn't look that good but it's all I can afford.

I walk down the street to my acting lesson.
"Hey joe" I say to the man who owns the flower shop.
"Bonjour madmoiselle" he says handing me a rose.
"Haven't you had enough with the fake accent"
"I can't have fun ay? He jokes putting his Canadian accent on me. I laugh and walk away.

"Hi Vanna hi Mavis" I say to the two little girls that sell Girl Scout cookies every Thursday at the cross walk. I hand then to rise joe gave me.

I cross the street and walk into "Savannah's Sweets" it's a dessert shop.
"Hi faith, can I have a glazed donut?" I ask.
"Sure" she says handing me the donut.
I pay her 1 dollar and leave.
A glazed donut is really the only thing I can afford at that shop.
Marcus and John are street performers that preform every once and a while. They are amazing breakdancers.
"Hey what's up sel?" They ask dancing around me.
"In my way to..."
"Acting class" they interrupt me as they strike a pose.
"Any of you have the time?" I ask.
"1:25" they both say in unison.
"Uh oh!" I yell dashing Down the street.

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