First Date

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" ooh I love this store" I say running towards " New York Knick Knacks"
Everything in this store is so cheap
( it's also made cheap) but I still like it.

" hello Selena!" Exclaims Leo embracing me in a hug. Leo owns the store.

" Leo! Nice to see you" I say.

" and this is?" He asks turning towards Chris.

" Christopher" Chris says firmly shaking Leo's hand.

" ooh he's a nice one" Leo jokes.

" thanks" I wink at Leo letting him know that we actually are a couple.

He gets a little exited.

" well you two can pick out anything you want from the store, it's on me!" Leo says walking back to his counter.

" thank you!" I exclaim running around the store in search of the perfect item.

I look for a few minutes until finding a fake gold necklace with little hearts on every chain.

" this?" I turn to Chris in approval.

" sure" he says not so thrilled, which I understand because he can buy this whole place with just the money in his pocket.

I give him a long hard stare.

" what?" He asks.

" you don't like it?" I ask.

" No no, it's just nothing I haven't seen before"

" well what haven't you seen?"

" hmmm" he says walking around the store. He looks at some stuffed animals race car toys and other silly stuff until finally coming back to me with a snow globe.

" it's beautiful!" I exclaim.

There is a man and a women dancing in the middle of the globe the man has a black tuxedo on and the girl has a soft pink ball gown on.

I shake the glove and tons of small sparkles swirl around in the glove and the couple rotates in a circle.

" I love it!" I hug him.

" it's one of a kind just like you" he kisses my head.

" that was cheesy" I give him a judgy look.

" ya..." He laughs scratching the back of his head.

I stare into his eyes for a while, " why, you want to know something?"

" sure" he says.

" ok, so...the other employees have spread this rumor that, your dad is going to buy the hotel and that if he doesn't like it he's tearing it down. Is that true? Because what I said to him could really but a bad image on the hotel and I don't want to be the reason that it gets torn down and that hundreds of people lose their jobs."

" that's ridiculous! My dads not buying this place, were just here to meet some friends, and even if he was he wouldn't tear it down just because of you! Don't believe every rumor you hear"

I smile and breathe out a sigh of relief," ok good, thanks for clearing that up for me"

I smile and proceed to the check out counter.

" ah, you picked out a lovely one" Leo says.

Wear heat the crackle of thunder.

" uh oh, it looks like it's about to rain" Leo says.

Christopher and I look at each other.

" well then we better make this quick" I say.

" thanks again Leo!" I exclaim grabbing Chris's hand and running out the door.

Next we stop at a sweets shop and just look around like I always do.

We watch the street performers for a few minutes until it starts pouring rain!

We run into this Italian restraunt and are greeting by the hostess.

" table for two?" She asks.

" yes" Christopher says trying to catch his breath.

" no!" I snap at him.
" today's my day!" I tell him.

He smiles." Fine" he says we walk out the door and run to miscellaneous stores where I introduce him to all the people I know.

" over here!" I yell to him running into the jewelry store where Caroline works at.

" finally!" Chris says.
" something with some class" he jokes.

Caroline isn't working today but we still look around.

Christopher looks at some watches and of course my eyes are drawn to to the heart ring that reminds me of my necklace.

" that's pretty" he says coming up behind me.

" yep" I agree.

" how much?" He asks looking around for a price tag.

" no!" I say.

" what?" He asks innocently.

" your not buying me this, or anything else!"

" why?"

" what would your father think if you bought me this 4 thousand dollar ring?!"

" oh please that's nothing"

" I don't care, you can't buy me this or ANYTHING else ok?" I say sternly.

He just smiles at me.

For quit a long while.

I laugh and give in.

" ok fine maybe like dinner or something but I can't get a lot of stuff"

" deal" he smiles holding out his arms.

" forget the arms lets skip to the lips" I joke.

He takes my joke seriously and kisses me right on the lips.

" wow! Oh my gosh! Wow!" I say in my head but obviously he knows what I'm thinking and laughs.

" we should go" I say.

" ya my dad will be wondering where I am" he says.

It stops raining and we walk back to the hotel together.

We stop inside the lobby.

" I had fun" he says facing me.

" me too" I say. Want to go out tomorrow?"

" I would love to but a bunch of my dads friends are coming to the hotel tomorrow and I have to be there"

" I understand it's totally fine"

We give each other a quick goodbye kiss and he walks away.

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