The rich man

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I wake up the nest morning and call my boss infringing her that I have absolutely no life and I am free to work as many hours as they need.
I walk to work keeping my head down and not smiling or talking to anyone like every other New Yorker.

I arrive at work and change into my maid outfit. While I'm putting my hair up I notice something is missing.
Ok so I have this silver heart necklace me family gave to me when i moved to New York. I has a picture of my mom, dad,2 brothers, sister, and I. I always wear to remind me of them. They always pushed me to be the better me. They would have never let me quit singing lessons and they would have helped me find another theater job right away.... Wait a minute? I wasn't wearing my necklace, that's why I was feeling so down and useless yesterday! I forgot about them I forgot about how they always helped me I had no motivation to keep going. I need that necklace. Where did it go?
I retrace my steps I know I had it on the elevator with Justin because I could see my reflection through the mirror. I know I wasn't wearing it when I left because I did have any motivation to continue acting. Oh no! I dropped it in the pent house!

"Annie!" I yell running to her in the locker room.
"What's up!" She says happily.
"Are you hung over?" I ask forgetting about myself.
"A little" she giggles.
"Never mind, I lost my heart necklace!"
"Which necklace?"
"The only one I own!"
"The one you never take off?"
"Oh no we better find it"
"No I know where it is"
"No it's in the pent house we cleaned yesterday"
"Uh oh"
"Ya, do you know if they checked in yet?"
"They did"
"Will you come with me to get it?"
"No! Their rich if we even touch them we could be fired"
"What? That couldn't happen"
"Your right we could get sued!"
"Ugh your too drunk never mind I'll do it myself"
"Wait! It was nice knowing you" she says looking like she's about to cry. The whole situation is kind of weird so I run out of the locker room taking the back elevator to the pent house.

I stand outside the room for some reason terrified for my life. I am about to knock on the door when it opens and a tall man, with brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a suit opens the door.
" oh Hello" he says kindly.
"Oh hi" I say.
"Are you room service?" He asks.
"Umm no I'm... Maid service.
"Oh great I need some fresh towels"
"No I'm not here for ... That... I'm" I feel like a deer caught in headlights. This man is so unbelievably hot I can't even speak right.
"Are you ok?" He says.
"Come inside and sit down" he offers.
I sit down on the soft bed.
He gets me a glass of water.
"Are you ok?" He asks again.
"Ya I.." I take a sip of water.
"I came here to ask if you have seen I silver heart necklace"
He stands up and walks over to a near table.
"Was it a locket?" He asks.
"Like this?" He holds up the locket.
"Thank you!" I exclaim holding out my hand for the necklace but he pulls it away.
"I have actually grown found if this necklace. Tell you what if you tell me your name and why this is so important to you then I'll give it to you"
I smile and blush.
"Ok, I'm Selena and that locket is obviously a picture. It's a picture of me and my family. They have it to me when I left North Carolina to come to New York. It always reminds me to be a good person, to follow my dreams, work hard, and never give up. Because that's what they always told me to do."
He stares at me and smiles.
"Ok I've only known you for 2 minutes and you already know more about me then most people that I've known for years." I laugh.
"Haha, I'm Christopher but you can call me Chris" he says fastening the necklace around my neck.
" thanks" I say.
"I should get back to work, bye" I say walking backwards right into the wall.
"Woah! Oops, well... Bye" I say once again. 

I close the door behind me. While I'm in the elevator I snap out of the trance.
Did I say that?
Did I do that?
Did that really just happen?!
I panick.
I freak out... But it's a good freak out... Wait is it?

Good - I met a handsome millionaire

Bad- I almost fainted by just looking at him

Good- he invited me in and helped me

Bad- I couldn't even speak he was so hot

Good- he found my locket and fastened it around my neck

I would say I had a pretty even balance between embarrassing and awesome!
I can't wait to tell Annie about this, hopefully she has it all together by now.

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