Happy Ending

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The next day at work is normal as expected.

Annie and I jump on some beds. play superheroes with dirty bed sheets, and stock up on pillow chocolates.

" I'm so proud of you" Annie says I'm the way down the elevator hugging my head.

" ya, I'm glad I said what I said" I agree with her.

" what? No! For finally getting your front flip off the bed!" Annie laughs.

" ooh" we laugh together.

" but that too! Hey so I'm gonna sneak off and see Liam but I'll meet you for cleaning room 54 ok?"

" ok have fun!" I say as the elevator opens and she struts towards the bellboy area.

" I will!" She turns her head back with a hair flip wiggling her eyebrows.

Annie is hilarious.

I'm walking towards the maid area to drop off some towels when I notice Mr. Marcus making a b-line straight towards me.

Play dead Selena!
No! Just keep walking just keep wal-

" Selena! Hold on a minute. He says.

Oh crap

Just as I turn to Mr. Marcus in fear Chris comes walking in.

" Christopher!" Mr. Marcus yells motioning for him to come.

"What's going on?" Chris asks.

" Selena, you gave me a lot to think about yesterday...and your right"

" I am!.... well of course I am!" I say confidently.

" what?" Chris asks again.

" you are right Selena, Christopher, I have been training you to take over the family business since you could talk but I've never really given you a chance to make your own choice.... what do you want to do"

Christopher looks stunned.

" well, I know that your really into stocks and owning businesses but honestly, I would like to run my own business, like this hotel! This past week has been so fun so I guess I would like to run this hotel someday"

" how about today"

" what?" Chris just gets more confused as this goes on.

" son I'm giving you the hotel, that is if you want it"

Chris stands there speechless until I lightly elbow him in his shoulder springing him back to life.

"Yes! Yes sir! Thank you sir!"

" I'm glad I could make you happy" Mr. Marcus says and then turns his back.

I'm happy that Chris finally got to be what he wants to be even though I had to do all the work!

" oh one more thing" Mr. Marcus whips around" you two, have my blessing" he says very nonchalant.

It takes Christopher and I a second to process what we just heard but we realize at the same time that we can be together!

He stares at me with those beautiful deep, kind eyes that I have so dearly missed and then embraces me in the tightest most loving hug I have ever gotten.

When we finally let go I turn to Mr. Marcus.

" thank you sir"

He holds out his hand for a shake but I run and hug him

" Selena, I owe you an apology and a thank you, Sometimes I forget that just because I'm rich doesn't mean I can do whatever I want, most people would just agree with everything I say and let me to whatever I wanted to them and not say a thing because of my wealth, but not you. Thank you for putting me in my place. Your not like the other women my son has dated, they were all stuck up airheads. You though, you have actual values and goals and you actually really love him. I never thought anyone would be good enough for my son but you, you fought for him, you never gave up. Your the perfect women for my son" he smiles.

" thank you Mr. Marcus" I say again after the hug.

" call me Gary" he laughs.

Wow! I'm on a first name basis with a rich man!

" now you two go have fun!" Mr. Marcus says shooing us away.

We go out for dinner together and cannot stay away from each other!
We held hands while walking and sat on the same side of the booth for dinner.

After dinner it's almost midnight so we drive to Times Square and watch the countdown to Christmas.

" only a couple more minutes!" I jump excitedly.

"Can I make a confession?" He asks.

" sure"

" the past two weeks without you wee the worst two weeks of my life!"

" what? But you looked so happy running the hotel"

" ya it was fun but honestly the best part of my day was when I caught a glimpse of you in the lobby or saw you get off the elevator when I was getting on"

" can I make a confession? Me too" I smile.

Thirty seconds until Christmas! People start counting down!

" I'm glad, because if seeing you was the best part of my day then I want to see you more, like everyday for the rest of our lives...." he gets down on one knee.

Twenty seconds!!

" Selena bush, I love you, I have ever since I first put that necklace around your neck when we very first met, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me"

The sight of a man on his knees catches a lot of people eyes. People are counting down but all I can hear are the words Christopher just said, he just asked me to marry him!!
This is a no brainer, I say the words I have been dying to say ever since I met him
" yes I will marry you!" I smile with happy tears coming down my face.

"Merry Christmas!!!!! "
As soon as I say yes everyone is cheering! Come because of the proposal but most because it's Christmas.

It's perfect! We are kissing and everyone around us is happy and celebrating, it's the most romantic thing.

He slides the ring on my finger and I instantly know where he got it from.
" it's the one-"

" from our very first date, when we went to the jewelry shop and you kept saying how much you loved it, after our date on that exact same day I bought it"

" how did you know we would even get married?"

" I just... knew"

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