What Could Go Wrong?

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The next morning I get a phone call at 4:30 in the morning waking me up from my Chris dreams.

"How was it!?" Annie yells in the phone bursting my ear drums!

" gosh Annie why are you calling me so early!" I ask angrily over the phone, I was planning On sleeping until 6:30 before I had to work at 7:00 but no way am I going to fall asleep after that!

" I'm working to morning shift today and I just couldn't wait for you to come into work! Soo..."

" ugh," I sigh getting out of bed and into my bathroom. I turn on the light and see a hideous creature with frizzy thick hair sticking straight up out of its head with red veiny eyes surrounded by black eyes and some red substance all around its lips. " ahh" I shriek at the top of my lungs thinking there's some murderer in my bathroom but after taking a second glance it's just me...

I slept with all my makeup on last night!! I must have forgotten to take it off since I got home so late. While observing my disgustingness I also notice some strange odor that reeks like sweat, perfume and morning breath, also me..

" hello? Selena are you ok!! Selena!!" I hear a voice yelling over the phone sounding quite concerned.

" sorry Ann I thought I saw something but it was just me.."

" send me a picture" she laughs.

I send her a picture of my "morning beauty" and add the ugliest face I could possibly ever make.

I can tell when she receives it because she just about dies laughing.

" HAHA...... I ... I can't breathe!!" She laughs hysterically!

" ok anyways.." I say trying to get back in the subject but I've lost her.." alright well I guess I'm just gig girl to hang up and you'll have to wait almost three hours for me to tell you about the wonderful night I had"

" ok.. ok I'm sorry, go on" she tries to contain her laughter.

I took my eyes and start my story," he made me feel like royalty! Like a princess! He took me to a 5 star dinner and bought me this beautiful ball gown and we danced and ate and-"

" kissed!??" Annie interrupts me anxiously.


" what do mean by well?"

" we did kiss but I pulled away"

" are you crazy!? What were you thinking! You guys could have had a moment but you ruined it!!"

" I know I know I have already yelled at myself. I just, I thought it was too good to be true"

" your ridiculous, you need to get over the fact that someone actually likes you! It is possible for someone to like you and for you to have an amazing night!"

"Your right, but him? He's just too perfect."

" too perfect?"

" you think I'm crazy?"

" no.... actually yes!! We'll talk later I'm gonna be late for work bye crazy!!"
She hangs up the phone.

Maybe I am crazy, but maybe I'm not.
I just fell like as soon as I get comfortable with this relationship I'll be caught off guard and something bad will happen and everything will be ruined. I've lived in New York for a while and I've learned to always be alert and always keep a strong grip on your purse.
But all of this alertness is tiring and it's keeping me from fully enjoying what could be the best thing that has ever happened me.
Last night while I was at dinner and dancing with Christopher was the first time in a long time when I let my guard down and just had fun and honestly it was the best  this of my life, until I ruined it!

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