War of Hormones

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Music is blaring from the house. I think it's G-Dragon? I'm not entirely sure as the music is so loud you can't even concentrate on the music itself.

I have got to admit, the house is big and when I mean big, I mean huge.

This house must be Jin's.

I can hear people shouting and laughing.

I am so socially awkward when it comes to interacting with other people so parties are not really my 'thing'. What is my 'thing' you ask. Well, I spend all of my free time fangirling about kpop and anime. Maybe that's why I have very few friends.

I'm scared. If BamBam dies the blood and guilt is on my hands, right? I don't want BamBam's death on my conscience for the rest of my pitiful life, no offence to BamBam. Also BamBam is a good guy and he's smart too. He could probably get somewhere in life.

I gulp and walk down the driveway to the front door.

Do I knock?

Or do I just walk in?

I decide to knock.


I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Did they not hear me?


If I had knocked any harder the door would come off.

Still no answer.

Do they not know how to open a door?

I sigh and open the door myself.

Everywhere I see elder teens from school are kissing, twerking, making out and pretty much having sex in the hallway.


I try to make my way through the teens with hormone problems like damn you're like 16 calm your dick.

It's like a war of hormones.

I finally push my way through.

I regret everything.

I regret being born.

All of BTS are in the kitchen drinking out of bottles which is probably alcohol of some sort, apart from Jungkook who seems to be drinking...a capri-sun?

They look hella fine in black I must admit.

Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.

Lucy, you are being such a hypocrite by complaining about the people out there when yourself is thinking of stuff you should not be thinking about with your bullies. May I repeat: YOUR BULLIES THAT MAY KILL AN INNOCENT BOY.

I mentally face-palm.

"You actually came." Jungkook says and all of BTS look at me.

I hate it when they all look at me.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I roll my eyes.

If I'm going to do this I'm going to do it with sass.

Even though I'm probably going to get the hell beaten out of me later.

"Let's play a game!" V shouts eagerly and sits down on a chair at a long table.

Oh no. They are not going to go all Saw on me are they?

"Spin the bottle!" J-Hope smirks.

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