Caged Animals

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"Quick, Lucy, come with me!" Jungkook takes my hand and tries to run. "Before they get us!"

"Lucy!" Hoseok appears behind Jungkook. "Don't leave me."

"Lucy," Jimin stands next to the door. "Choose your heart."

"Please," I turn around to see Yoongi with blood dripping down his face. "Don't go with him, he betrayed all of us!"

Things didn't go as planned today, let me tell you what happened.

"Here," Jooheon passes me a small shotgun. "Only use it if your life is in danger."

"Stay here," Yoongi orders me. "Don't leave this very spot unless there is no other choice."

I nod to both of them and give them a reassuring smile.

"I'll be fine," I say, emphasising my 'fineness' with my hands. "I should be the one worrying about you guys."

"We'll be back soon." Yoongi states and gives a small smile before opening the door.

"Hold tight!" Jooheon gives me a big smile before going inside with Yoongi close behind.

After the door slammed shut a peaceful silence appeared before multiple gunshots were heard from the building they both just went inside.

Should I go and see if they're okay? Should I run? Should I hide?

They both told me to stay here, they wouldn't have said that if they thought I was in any danger.

I hear a loud groan that sounded awfully similar to Jooheon.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Forgetting everything the both of them explained to me, I ran to another building and quickly went inside. Inside looks like it hasn't seen any human for centuries, huge cobwebs strung around the walls and ceilings like party banners and dust is heavily laid upon the floor. No furniture is present, only stairs and doors. Bending down, I shuffle to the next room and peer through the dirty window. Nothing seems to have happened.

"Help me!"

I jump at the sudden scream coming from upstairs.

Out of all the buildings I could have picked I pick one that has a screaming maniac in that'll probably get us attention?

Groaning, I decide to check upstairs to see if the screaming person could be any help.

I gingerly stand on the first step for it to create the loudest creak I've ever heard. Knowing that whoever is upstairs has already heard me, there's no point of being quiet. Jogging up the stairs I think about how many scenarios could play out. A mad man? A captive? A-

"Jimin?" I croak, running towards him and kneeling down before him. "Oh my god.."

Jimin has blood pouring from his nose and his trousers are ripped showing deep cuts. His tear stained cheeks are full of purple bruises and his hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat. Chains are tied to his hands to a grey a wall and his wrists look red and sore.

"L-Lucy.." Jimin smiles a little and tries to touch my face but his chains hold him back. "I thought you were dead."

"Likewise," I try to smile but I'm afraid I'll cry. "Are you okay?"

"Apart from being severely tortured and being chained to a wall," Jimin closes his eyes with a small smile. "Everything's going great."

"How do I get you out of these?" I ask, carefully grabbing one of the shackles. "Is there a key?"

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