Love or Money

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"Have a good day!" I say cheerfully to the taxi driver.

"Hmph." He rolls his eyes and drives off.


Looking through the iron fence the house looks a lot more better in daylight, the house is white and orange and looks extremely modern. The house is made up of mostly large windows and three garages. Three sets of stairs lead to the front door which is a light brown oak door that looks like a door from a Victorian movie.

Before I can go into the house of my dreams I press the button at the gate.

"This is Namjoon and this is the Kim residence how-"

"It's me, let me in."

"Did your Mother ever teach you how to be polite?" Namjoon mutters and the gate throws open.

"Thanks, Nam."

"Don't ever call me that again."

I laugh to myself whilst I walk up the stairs to the door.

Before I can knock the door throws itself open to a frantic Jin.

"Get in here!" He says like a mother who has been waiting for their child to come home to scold them.

"Huh?" Before I can get into the house he grabs the top of my shirt and pulls me in quickly.

"You!" He says, he seems tired and out of breath. "I can't deal with those boys! If I leave them for one minute they'll kill each other, you go talk to your boyfriend and I'll conceal Jungkook."

"Boyfriend? Oh! Yeah, yeah, where is his room?"

"Namjoon!" Jin screams in which I cover my ears too late.

"What?" Namjoon shouts.

"Do not shout at me! Come here!" Jin shouts back.

Someone runs down the stairs grumbling, Namjoon appears at the top of the stairs.

"What is it?" He asks looking at Jin.

"Show Lucy where Hoseok is." Jin shortly replies and walks into the kitchen.

Namjoon mutters something before signally me towards him.

I quickly walk up the stairs three at a time.

"Come." He walks down the corridor as soon as I get to the top of the stairs.

I speed-walk to catch up to him and his long legs.

"He's in there." Namjoon whispers pointing to an orange door similar to the front door.

"That's his room?" I ask.

"Well no shit." Namjoon replies and walks off.

"Okay, Mr Sarcastic." I mumble.

"I heard that!" Namjoon shouts from somewhere.

I decide not to reply considering he'll probably hear me.

Knocking softly on the door I press my ear against it to try and hear any muffled response.

I shuffle back when I see the door move back a little to see a tiny bit of Hoseok peeking through the crack. When he sees me he throws the door open and pulls me into him.

What is it with all these boys throwing doors open and pulling me in?

His arms are tightly wrapped around my waist and his face buried into my neck, he must be bending down a bit for his face to be my height.

He says something but I can't hear him as his mouth is in my hair, as a reply I stroke his hair which must work as his arms become more loose around my waist.

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