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I shudder and try to get off him. I push my hands from his chest, great, now I look like I'm straddling him.

I look down to see Jimin smirking at me.

"If you really wanted me so much you could have just asked, princess." Jimin chuckles.

"Oh my god, look!" Someone shouts.

I snap my head towards the voice to see a crowd of students on the other side of the corridor.

"Umm, this isn't what it looks like! I..um." I stutter trying to explain my situation.

"Wow, Jimin, you're now having sex with whores in the middle of a corridor, classy."

I look at Jimin expecting him to jump up and beat the hell out of who ever said that but instead he smiles.

I push myself off him and run out of the door and I don't stop running until I reach my house.

Panting like I haven't breathed in years I unlock the door with my keys and step inside. The coldness hits me and I immediately start rubbing my hands together. It's colder in here than it is outside.

I sigh. Mother must have forgotten to pay the heating bill. Throwing my bag onto the sofa I walk into the kitchen to try and scavenge something to eat. I check the fridge first, empty. Then the cupboards, empty. Finally the box under the sink, empty. I didn't know what I expected.

I rustle the few coins I have in my pocket and debate with myself whether it's worth me trekking to the store for a pot of ramen.

I sigh for the umpteenth time today and walk back out the door and lock it. Usually I would have gone without but I didn't eat anything today, I've got to eat something.

The store is only a ten minutes walk but today it seems to be taking longer. My stomach rumbles like there is no tomorrow, with me occasionally telling it to shut up. Thankfully no one is around to call up a mental service.

I see the faint glow of the lights hovering over the benches outside the small shop. I fasten my pace until I'm jogging.

The automatic doors open for me and I step in happily. I walk towards the pasta in hope for cheap ramen.

"Luck must be on my side." I smile as I see the last pot of ramen.

I pick it up only to put it back down again.

It's way too expensive.

I pout.

My stomach rumbles in response.

"I didn't know such a small tummy would make so much noise."

I turn around to see Jimin next to me.

"How did you-"

"Do you want me to pay for it?" He interrupts me.


"The ramen." He picks up the pot of ramen. "Do you want me to buy it for you?"

"I don't need your help." I snap and begin to walk away.

He grabs my wrist and drags me to the counter.

"Hey! Get off me!" I struggle.

I know I have no chance against his strength but what's the harm in trying?

"Would that be all, Sir?" The assistant asks Jimin.

Jimin shakes his head and smiles.

"You have a cute girlfriend." The assistant chuckles.

"I'm not-"

"Thank you." Jimin bows politely and walks off with the ramen pulling on me which makes me follow him.

We step out of the store and into the night air.

"Here." Jimin says giving me the ramen.

"I don't want it." I sulk pushing it back.

"I'm trying to say sorry, here." He sighs pushing the ramen back to me.

"Then try harder." I fold my arms and look away.

"Just..please take it, please?" He says looking at me with a gentle smile.

I have never seen that smile on him before. It seems so beautiful to his smirk. Why doesn't he smile like this more often?

"Thanks." I mutter as I take the ramen. "But why are you being so...nice?"

"To say sorry-"

"Don't give me that crap." I say looking at him.

"I am honestly doing this because I'm sorry, but it's also because I know how it is to be hungry." Jimins smile falls as he looks at the sky. "I just, I don't know, I don't want you to feel what I felt."

Surprised is an understatement of what I'm feeling.

"Well, umm, thanks..a lot, it means a lot." I manage to say looking away.

"No problem, and be careful walking home, okay?" Jimin says smiling as he walks backwards.

"Ah, yes, of course." I smile back.

"See you at school." He waves and turns around and runs off, leaving me under the brightly lit headlamp.

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