Heaven and Hell Are the Same

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"You literally just said you would break my neck and now you're saying you wouldn't hurt me?" I ask confused.

"I only said that to scare you. I don't hit girls but the others would so don't do anything stupid." Jungkook speaks to me as if I'm a child.

I huff and look away.

Wait, is Jungkook protecting me? Again?

"Thanks." I say as the bell rings signalling lunch.

"What?" He asks.

"Uh, nothing." I say as I hurriedly walk out of the classroom.

Am I being too harsh to Jungkook? He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes but he can be okay.

I walk up the stairs and into the music room.

I say 'music room' but really it's a dusty old room with one black grand piano drowned in dust.

Choking on the dust I sit on the stool beside the piano.

I look at all the fingerprints I have left from all the hours sitting here pressing keys.

I don't know how to play the piano. I just press random keys hoping that they will turn into soulful notes. It never does.

I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano. In England we had a black grand piano in the spare bedroom next to the bookcase.

My Mother used to play the piano when she was happy and my Father was happy. We don't have a piano in the new house. It's too much money to waste. I don't think my Mother would want to look at a piano again anyway.

I stretch my arms and fingers. I lightly press all my fingers on the keys before pushing down. A sound erupts the silence, it's not wonderful notes dancing in the air, but it's something.

I press keys again and again trying to get some type of at least nice music. The only thing that comes out is sound.

I sigh in defeat and let my arms hang at my sides.

"That was horrible." I jump and turn around to the voice.

A boy with a grey hair that only scowls stands in the doorway.

"What do you know about music?" I sneer turning back to the piano.

"A lot more than you." Suga says behind me.

I gulp.

Why is he so close?

I ignore that he is right behind me and focus on the piano.

"Shuffle." He says perching on the stool, his shoulders pushing mine.

"Fine." I say wanting to laugh at him when he fails at playing the piano.

I mean, of all people, how could he play the piano? I thought all he cared about was making others lives miserable and rapping.

I have to admit, he is rather good at rapping. He doesn't have any other talents I know of.

I sit on the edge of the stool whilst he sits more on the stool.

He stretches his arms and fingers like I did and placed his fingers on the keys.

I patiently wait.

Looking up at his face I see that his nose isn't scrunched up, he isn't scowling and his eyes are closed. He seems..calm.

I am about to say something when I get interrupted by music. Not any music but wonderful, soulful and beautiful music created all by his fingers. His fingers look like their doing ballet as they jump key to key elegantly not like my clumsy fingers bouncing harshly.

He's not good, he's amazing. How did he learn to play like this?

I feel honoured as I see this new side of him but why is he showing himself to me?

I close my eyes too and imagine what my personal heaven would be.

I am in a field full of wheat that is only a little shorter than me. The sun is shining brightly and there is a little breeze that sweeps through my hair. My Mother is waving at me smiling. I wave back at her. I see someone behind her but I can't tell who it is. It's too late when I do realise who it is and before I know it my Mother is on the floor crying.

"Eomma!" I scream.

I run towards her but someone holds me back.

"Get off me! Get off! Please!" I shout crying.

"I'm sorry." I look behind me to see a person with a hood over his head so I can't see him.

"Please! My Mother! She..she!" I frantically try to get out of my capturers grip but he is like iron.

"I'm sorry." The person begins to cry.

The music stops and I open my eyes to find myself in front of a piano.

I look over to Suga to see him staring back at me.

"Why did you stop?" I ask.

"Why did you scream?"

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