Drunk Love

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"I would rather not get raped today, thanks." I reply.

"One, you're not my type, two, I'm not that drunk and three, just no."

I don't know whether to be relieved or offended.

"Just come sit with me. I'm bored." He says lounging on the sofa.

I hastily sit down next to him.

He droops his arm on the top of the sofa behind my head and sips his wine.

"So, Lucy." He says. "Yoongi told me that you started to scream when you were asleep."


"Don't try and deny it, he doesn't lie." He sips again. "I'm guessing you were having some nightmare?"


"Or a memory?" He puts his lips against his glass but doesn't pour the liquid into his mouth. "Maybe you haven't had the best childhood?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"All of our members have had a hard childhood, and just life in general. I'm curious about you though. Very curious indeed." He puts his glass down and fully faces me.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I reply.

"Fortunately, a cat has nine years." His gaze is on the sofa instead of me.

"I don't think it's any of your business." I say starting to feel uneasy.

"Look, Lucy, I'm drunk. Really drunk. I won't remember a word you tell me tonight by tomorrow morning. I also talk too much while I'm drunk. I could tell you all my memories and feelings and I wouldn't remember or care."

He is right, I am curious about BTS.

"Well, I screamed because I had a nightmare. It was a stupid nightmare, it wasn't even a memory. I was in a field of wheat with my Mother. She started getting beaten up and I tried to get to her, to help her, but someone was holding me back. The guy who was holding me was crying and apologising. I couldn't get out of his grasp so I had to watch my Mother die." I sigh deeply.

"I guess I have to tell you my story, that's what you want to hear, right?"

I nod.

"You must have heard the rumours about my parents being illegal gamblers, well their right. They are widely famous across Korea and Japan. I was only born so there would be someone to inherit their fortune. I've seen my parents five times in my life. I tried to do everything to get their attention, at the age of five I threw myself down the stairs, at the age of eight I would chase all my nannies away and at the age of fourteen I got into gangs but nothing worked. I don't mind them not coming to see me together as once they're together they argue and argue." He looks into my eyes. "Love is only a made-up emotion in fairy tales. All my life I have tried to make people love me but none of them did."

"Seokjin, you can't make people love you. It takes time and trust. Instead of worrying about people loving you, maybe you should love yourself first."

He doesn't do or say anything, he just stares into my eyes.

"Maybe you're right," he says leaving back into the sofa. "Maybe you're wrong."

"What if I am or not?" I ask sitting back into the sofa letting my eyelids fall for a moment.

"It doesn't matter, I won't remember a thing I said or you said tomorrow." He says grabbing the empty wine bottle and glass and walking out of the room.

All I want to do is let my eyelids close for just a minute.

I check my phone.


I am going to be so tired for school tomorrow.

The others are still not back, isn't Jin the slightest bit concerned?

He staggers back into the room, obviously drunk out of his mind, and flops himself down next to me on the sofa.

"Aren't you worried that they're not home yet?" I ask.


I raise my eyebrow.

"Don't fret, they'll be here in the morning, if not they'll call." He slurs rolling his head round.

"What is a 'run'?" I ask.

"Something you should never get involved with." He replies.

"Why?" I ask.

"Trust me, the less you know the better."

"But you said that you will say anything while drunk." I argue.

"Look, if I tell you I'd probably have to kill you or at the very least make you join BTS."

"Join you guys?" I ask.

"Yes, but you don't want to." He kicking his slippers off.

"Of course not, you're all jerks."

My reply earns a chuckle from Jin.

"You look quite comfy actually." He says smiling.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

He lies down and rests his head onto my lap so he's looking up at me.

"Excuse me?" I ask but not in a very sassy voice considering I feel like my eyelids are going to drop off and fly away.

"Shh." He puts a finger on my lips. "Let us sleep."

I find myself nodding slightly and closing my eyes.

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