Strong Embrace

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I walk aimlessly through corridors and corridors of plain white walls and red carpet until I hear some voices coming from a room.

"Of course I will, I have to go, bye." Someone quietly whispers from a room.

Jungkook walks out of the room briskly and doesn't seem to realise me watching.

"Jungkook!" I shout to him.

He jumps and turns around.

"Lucy, oh god, I'm so so so sorry." Jungkook says his eyebrows furrowed looking at my bruise. "I didn't mean to hit you, honest! I'll do anything to make it up to you, anything!"

"It's fine, I'm fine." I smile. "But I need to talk to you, privately."

"Are you sure? You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" He says disregarding my question. "It looks sore, shall I take you to the hospital? I'm sorry I couldn't apologise earlier Hoseok was trying to kill me and-"

"Jungkook!" I say making him jump again. "Can we go to your room, I want to talk with you."

"Oh, yes, of course." Jungkook nods and motions me towards him. "But are you sure you're okay-"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm one hundred percent, totally and absolutely okay!" I say throwing my arms in the air. "Apologise one more time and I'll kick you."


We both laugh.

"My room is this way," He holds my arm lightly leading me forward. "It's pretty messy though."

"Isn't the room you walked out of your room?" I ask looking back.

"No, and you're not allowed in that room."


"Because we don't want you to get involved."

"Involved with what?"


"What kind of stuff?"

"That's my room." Jungkook says avoiding the question. "Be prepared for mess."


Entering his room the first thing I notice is the strong smell of deodorant, when I look around the room and see the amount of old food lying around I guess that he tried to cover the smell with his deodorant.

"You're like a stressed out college student." I laugh slightly at the pile of boxers, with holes, in front of his bed.

"Wait, don't look at that!" He says covering my eyes with his hands. "It's embarrassing! It's not what it looks like!"

"Whatever, boner boy." I laugh whilst he scoots us to where I'm guessing the pile is.

"I'm going to move them, look the other way." Jungkook releases his hands. "I'm watching you, do not look."

I decide to look at his room whilst he was moving his things, his room is about half the size of Yoongi's with his bed using most of the space. There are gaps in the floor in between the mess which I'm guessing is where Jungkook made a sort of pathway to the door.

Instead of a wardrobe there is a rack where are probably hundreds of white and black t-shirts. There is a matt black mac laptop on a dark oak desk in front of a window, he's rich enough to buy a mac but not a wardrobe?

"So, you wanted to tell me something?" He asks. "Or was it something you wanted to ask?"

He is sitting on his bed watching me like a deer that has never seen a person before.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something," I begin to say sitting next to him on the bed but at arms length. "But I don't want you to over-react or lie."

"Of course but I can't tell you things I'm not allowed to." Jungkook says shuffling closer to me. "What is it?"

"Well, someone told me about something you may or may not have done," I say not wanting to get Taehyung into trouble. "And I tried to confirm it with someone else but they said it should come from you."

I look at Jungkook to try and find any clue that he knows what I'm talking about but his face is emotionless.

"You know, Hwasa?" I ask playing with my fingers. "You didn't do anything to her? Like revenge?"

"Who told you?" Jungkook's voice suddenly became rough and angry that I turn to him from the sudden change. "I said, who told you?"

"It doesn't matter but-"

"Who? Who told you?" Jungkook stands up and stands over me. "Tell me!"


"I don't care, tell me who it was!" Jungkook whispered, I look at his hands to see them tightly clenched. "Tell me, now!"

"Stop shouting at me!" I shout standing up. "Stop it!"

"I told them, I told them not to tell you!" Jungkook paces around the room. "And one of them told you!"


"Just tell me-"

My hands wrap around him and I press my body against his back, with my eyes only being able to slightly see over his shoulder, on my tip-toes.

I feel his body relax and his hands hold mine, he releases my hands and turns around to envelope him in his embrace. I feel something cold lightly patting my shoulder, I think he's crying.

"I didn't mean to, honest!" Jungkook sobs. "I just wanted to teach her a lesson, I've never killed a girl before! One thing lead to another and I couldn't control myself."

I rest my face against his chest.

"I just kept remembering walking into the bathroom and seeing what they did to you and..and..they hurt you so much." He rests his head on my shoulder. "I am so sorry, I didn't want to tell you because I was scared you'd hate me, please don't hate me! I'll do anything!"

He cries louder and I run his back.

Someone comes in, I look up to see Taehyung with a worried expression. I motion him to leave and he nods and leaves.

I don't know how to feel, he must feel sorry or he wouldn't be crying and begging for my forgiveness but he still murdered someone. He murdered someone because of me, maybe I should just leave him be and never talk to him.

I feel so protective over Jungkook and I feel so protected by him, I just want to wave a magic wand and make him happy again. Taehyung said something about them murdering people all the time, I shouldn't be associating with them but is it too late to ignore them and carry on as I was before?

Isn't the best option to leave them and just focus on my Mother, I have my money, I could just break up with Hoseok and switch schools.

"Jungkook," I wriggle out of his arms and look everywhere except his eyes. "I think it's best if I leave now."

"What..what do you mean?" I don't look up at Jungkook.

"We shouldn't talk anymore." I gulp. "Just leave me alone."

I quickly walk towards the door not wanting to argue.

"Please, don't leave me." A pair of strong arms grab my waist carefully and I can feel his breath against my neck. "I need you."

So, should Lucy try to leave BTS and be with her Mother or do you think she should take the risk for love but putting her Mother on the line?

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