Sex Education with Sehun

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Another morning walking to school listening to Twenty One Pilots. I had always wanted a normal life but now my life is bland. I feel like I'm doing the same cycle everyday, like a robot.

Again I put my phone in my backpack and enter the school.

Hopefully they are not here.

Thankfully my hangover wore off when I was in the hospital so now I'm the same as always; silent and observant.

As usual everyone ignores me as I reach the same locker I open every weekday.

I get out the books I need and walk to class before the bell rings.

I walk into the classroom to see a boy behind my seat with his head held low.

That's a change, he's early.

Quietly, I sit in my seat scared he might hear me and start pestering me.

Either my stealth skills are on point or Jungkook didn't care because he didn't bother me before Mr Sehun walks in.

"Class, settle down."

Everyone quietens down.

"Today we're going to do something different. Something I hate to teach and you probably hate learning about but we have to get through it, okay? Today's lesson is sex education."

This earns a few moans and snickers.


"Pair yourselves up to do the project as homework. You are all nearly adults so I'm sure you can be sensible about this and sort out arrangements at each others homes. I don't want any arguing."

I groan.

I hate it when we have to work together.

I am friendless, remember?

Oh wait, apart from BamBam.

I smile.

"What are you smiling about?"

I look up to see Jungkook looking down at me.

"None of your business." I answer.

He ignores my response and picks up a chair.

"What are you-"

He puts the chair at my desk and sits on it.

His arms rest on his lap as he looks at me like a lost puppy.

In some ways, he is.

"You're my partner for the project." He states still looking at me.

"Okay and who decided this?" I ask sarcastically.

Can't anyone else be my partner?

"Me." He answers and smiles.

I watch his dimples and admire his little bunny smile.

Wait, what?

"But, why?" I ask unsure.

"I don't want to work with the other boys because I don't know them and the girls are too flirty."

I nod even though I am frantically shaking my head in my mind.

"Don't worry, I didn't want to be partners with especially you, you were just the closest person."

I scowl and look away.

I don't know why I did that.

Obviously he wouldn't pick me because of me.

"So how good are you at sex ed?" I ask.

"Not good."

"Virgin." I laugh.

"What and you're not?" Jungkook shoot back.

"Maybe." I smirk.

Jungkook looks away quickly.

"So..whose house are we going to?" He asks playing with his tie.

"We can't go to my house. My mum would flip out if I brought anyone to the house never mind a boy." I say.

"My house it is." He says while writing something down on a small piece of paper.

He hands me it.

It is his address.

"What time?" I ask unsure if I should go to his house or not.

"Whenever you want, just text me." He says. "My phone number is on the back."

I flip over the paper to see he's right.

I could sell his address and number for hundreds maybe thousands to those crazy girls or whatever enemies he has as a thug.

"And don't think of sharing this information or I will break your neck."

I gulp and nod.

He reaches over with his hand but I flinch and jump back.

"What's up with you? I was jut going to get something out of your hair." He says confusion spread across his face. "I would never hurt you."

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