Love That Exceeds The Triangle

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Leaving Yoongi alone in my house was something I thought I'd never do, but hey, I never thought I'd be fake-dating Hoseok either.

Walking through the school gates I remember what happened between Jungkook and I, it's going to be awkward if he's at school today considering he sits behind me in every class. I guess I can't stay away from him all the time, and it didn't really work with me staying away from BTS when Yoongi slept at mine.

"It's her," I turn around to see Jimin and Taehyung whispering to each other nearby. "Should we tell Jungkook?"

"No," Jimin whispers, both of them hadn't realised I was listening."It's Lucy's decision, you should respect that."

"Why?" Taehyung looks annoyed. "She's already a part of this, she's already in danger because of us."

"Not everyone can handle-"

"It doesn't matter," Taehyung cuts him off. "She's safer with us and it's not fair that she's going out with Hoseok and then playing Jungkook."

"Excuse me," I tap Taehyung's shoulder, making him jump. "But I am not playing Jungkook, I have no feelings for him whatsoever."

"Then tell him that." Jin appears behind Jimin. "If you have no feelings for that boy then go tell him so he can get over you and so he stops looking like a stray puppy mourning his owner around the house."

"It's kind of cute." Taehyung says before frowning. "But he gets angry rather quickly, it's nearly as scary as when Hoseok gets angry."

"Exactly." Jin says turning to me. "What are you still doing here for? Go tell Jungkook!"

Huffing, I stomp off, annoyed that Jin had told me off and for what? That Jungkook has feelings for me?

"I have no feelings for him whatsoever."

That was a lie.

I'm not entirely sure what type of feelings I have for Jungkook, but I care for him. That has to count for something.


Someone puts their arm around my shoulders.

"Jackson!" I laugh.

"So, the other day I was going to tell you something-"

"Oh yeah!" I scowl at how Hoseok asked me to act as if I was his girlfriend. "And the bell went so you couldn't tell me?"

"Yep," Jackson sits down on a bench surrounded by flowers. "I'd like to ask you something."

"Go ahead." I reply smiling gently, sitting down next to him, in which he shuffles closer.

"Well, how'd you like to go for some ice cream sometime?" He rubs the back of his neck. "As like a date, I know this really cool place where-"

He stops and stares at my smile.

"You know, that's what made me fall for you."


"Your smile."

"Oh god, stop it before I blush." I squeak putting my hands against my cheeks.


"I'll tell you later my answer," I smile cheekily. "Didn't you know I'm hard to get?"

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