Dark Skies

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"Oh my god is she okay?"


"Lay her down somewhere!"

"Why did you bring her here?"

"I think she fainted."

"What's with her arm?"

"Oh god there's blood, get Taehyung out of here!"

"Who did this?"

Loud voices surround me in darkness. I can't tell who is who, but they're definitely the voices of BTS. I also can't move or feel anything.

I try to open my eyes but they seem to be tightly shut.

The last thing I remember is being on Jungkook's lap in a car with Taehyung.

"One, two, three, push!"

What are they doing?

"She'll wake up in a few minutes, let her rest."



"It's all my fault."

"No, it isn't. It's mine for trusting you with her."

The voices begin to fade away until I'm left with the sound of my heartbeat.

After what seems like hours I open my eyes to a beige ceiling. I look around to see I'm on a big bed, like really big, is this what a king-sized bed is like? It even has velvet curtains.

I look down to see my arm in a bandage tied on my shoulder and I feel something on my waist, probably a bandage for my rib. My rib stings and my arm aches but it's nothing in comparison in what I felt before.

I crawl out of the bed and sit on the edge.

The room is about three times bigger than mine, it has no ceiling but a window where you can see clouds and the sun slowly setting. There are two dark brown double-doors on either side of the room. A white desk with numerous computers on it is on the wall opposite to me. The walls are jet black with three small paintings which are in black and white. The room has barely any colour, it's kind of depressing.

One of the doors open making me jump up. A black haired boy carrying a tray of fruit and a cup walks in.

"You dyed your hair." I state staring at him.

He looks very handsome with black hair.

"I know." Yoongi blandly replies putting the tray on the floor and pulling a small, black table which I hadn't noticed was there.

"Do you want any help?" I ask.

"No, I've got it." Yoongi says picking up the table and placing it before me and then picking up the tray and placing it on the table.

"This is your room, isn't it? You should put some more colour into your room." I say munching on a piece of watermelon whilst he sits beside me.

"I don't like colour, it's distracting." He says watching me eat. "You eat like a damn rabbit, just stuff it in your mouth, like this."

He grabs a piece of melon and puts the whole thing in his mouth.

"My mouth can't do that, how can yours hold so much?" I ask in awe as he chews.

"It's just how I eat." He says before swallowing.

He looks down at my arm and then back up at me.

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