Bursting Buddies

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I wake up to the sun burning my eyes. Sitting up I yawn loudly and stretch my arms earning clicks from my bones. These mornings I love the most, when I don't have to worry about being late to school or getting picked on by BTS.

I look over to my pastel blue alarm clock. 9:00am. Why am I even awake? It's way too late to be awake on a Saturday.

Rolling over I grab my phone and turn it on, it's brightness scaring me for a second. Friday 8th July, 9:00.

I sigh and hug my pillow.



I quickly push my pillow away and then my phone back on. Friday 8th July,


I run past all the classrooms like I'm running away from a serial killer not caring about the weird looks from students.

Forgetting to knock I burst into my classroom panting.

The class is silent before laughing their asses off.

I scowl and walk towards my Art teacher, Mr Yixing as Mr Luhan transferred schools, trying to look as vulnerable as possible.

The thing is with Mr Yixing he is nice when he's in a good mood, if he's in a bad mood then you're doomed.


"I'm so sorry Sir!" I quickly say as I bow as low as I can.

"It's okay, we all make mistakes, go take your seat now."

I smile at him in relief and walk to my seat at the back of the classroom happily.

Luck is on my side today.

I look over to my right to see Jungkook slumped over his desk with his head flat on his desk.

"At least if he's asleep he won't bother me." I mumble and get out my Science books from my bag.

The bell rings which makes all the students sprint out of the classroom to their next class. Knowing I don't have another class until thirty minutes I take my time packing away. I look over to Jungkook's seat expecting it to be empty but he's there in the same position.

"Psst." I poke him in the shoulder lightly.


Did he just moan?

Fuck this, I'm out.

"Mr-" I look around the classroom to see Mr Yixing nowhere to be found.

"Jungkook, the bell has rang! Get your ass up!" I whisper shout in his ear.


"Stop moaning and wake up!" I shout shoving his shoulder.

"Huh? What?" Jungkook looks up with wide eyes.

"The bell rang ages ago, you better hurry up if you want to get to your next class." I say picking up my backpack and swinging it over my shoulders.

Jungkook looks down in his lap and swears under his breath.

"You going to go to class or are you just going to sit there?" I ask.

"When does Mr Yixing's next class come in?" He asks ignoring my question.

"Probably in five minutes, why?" I reply.

I just want to go to the cafeteria and eat pizza, why am I here alone with this boy?

"Look, help me and I will do anything for you."

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"Just...look at my lap." He sighs lifting his hands from his lap.

"What? Oh, ohh, umm, that's umm, yeah." I feel my cheeks getting warm.

"So are you going to help me?"

"Huh? What? No way! I am an innocent virgin, don't you go anywhere near me you male slut!" I back away.

"Wait, no, that's not what I meant!" He says quickly putting his hands back over his, umm, buddy. "Look, I've got a free period, all I need you to do is walk with me to the boys bathroom."


"Why do you think?" He snaps.

"I don't know.."

"There isn't even anyone in the corridors, they're all in class." He pleads.


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