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*Young Delaney in MM *

" Mommy wake up, please mommy you have to wake up" 6 year old Delaney Jade shook her mothers lifeless body trying to get to her to wake up she had just watched her father hurt her mommy again but this time mommy wasn't waking up. She runs to grab the phone and dial 911 like mommy says to do when something bad happens.

"911 what's your emergency?"
" Mommy won't wake up , daddy hurt her again but she won't wake up."
" Okay can you tell me where daddy is ?"
" He went upstairs and I hear a loud noise but he didn't come back."
" Okay sweetie , can you go and sit with mommy and don't move away from her side , help is on the way okay I'm gonna stay here on the line with you. What's your name ?"
" Delaney Jade Delrio"
" That's a pretty name Delaney my name is Melanie okay and I have told the nice police officers to come and help you okay?"
" Okay Ms Melanie thank you."

I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat I keep having this dream over and over again the worst night of my life and no matter how many therapy session I go through I can't forget it. My name is Delaney Jade and I witnessed my parents death my father beat my mother to death and then shot himself in the head , safe to say life has been no walk in the park for me the system raised me and then I turned 18 I was on my own but determined to make it I went to school everyday and I worked 2 jobs just to make ends meet I had my parents life insurance but I didn't want it was a reminder that they were gone and I hated remembering that, nothing stops the pain or erases the memory.
And I was alone I had no one because I was afraid if I let someone in they would leave the same way my parents left.

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