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He was starting to scare me his whole vibe changed back to how it was when Rae and LaNi came through the door. I walked over to his side of the truck and leaned against the door looking up at him.

" What's wrong ? Talk to me Dell you making me nervous."

He handed me his phone and it was a text message on his screen from a number that wasn't saved in his phone.

Unknown Number:
It was good to see you Dellie, we should catch up meet me at my place tonight ? Rae will be gone with Crazy Laney for their little reunion dinner.

I was fuming who did this bitch think she was I wasn't even mad about her calling me crazy I've been called worse I was mad at the fact that she's trying to get with my man and she's married to my Bestfriend. I handed him his phone and walked back to the other side of the car

" Get in the car ."

" Wait bug let's talk about it first."

" Get in the car NOW !" I raised my voice causing him to move a little quicker I put the address Rae gave me into my GPS and sped out of the driveway

" Laney stop the car now and look at me you need to relax "

I was ignoring him if I looked at him i would calm down and right now I need this momentum I need to stay this angry. He grabbed my leg and I pulled it away I didn't want him touching me right now, about 20 minutes later we pulled into their driveway both cars were outside perfect. I jumped down out of the truck and before I even reached the back of the truck Odell was holding my waist I closed my eyes and looked away

" Stop, look at me Delaney think about what you are doing I have no interest in her at all and you know that."

" That's not the point Odell move now !"

He stepped aside i guess realizing that there is no winning this war, I knocked on the door three times, banging the fourth time. Lani opened the door and all I saw was red , I jumped on her attacking her instantly, she was screaming for me to get off of her but I didn't care I was hitting her over and over again blow after blow screaming at her that I was going to show her crazy Odell pulled my small body from on top of her kicking and screaming he carried me into the other room, Rae ran down from the bathroom with nothing but a sports bra and boxer shorts on.

" What the fuck is going on here!" she looked over at Rae who had a bloody nose and half a black eye " Delaney what is wrong with you"

I was still screaming Odell had his arms locked around my body I wasn't going anywhere he was too strong, he started whispering in my ear telling me to relax and count to ten I ignored him at first and then I started to calm down realizing what I had done, I looked over at Rae and Lani and saw how badly I had attacked her

" Rae i'm sorry. Dell let me down I promise I'll be good." He shook his head still holding onto my body

" She's fucking psycho that's her problem what do you think is wrong with her." Rae cringed when she said that Rae takes it more personal that me when someone calls me crazy or anything like that

" Lani watch your fucking mouth don't talk about her like that you don't know her"

" Are you seriously defending this bitch after she just attacked me like that" Rae glared at Lani and Lani shut up walking out into the bathroom to clean herself up

" O, let her down I need to talk to her can you excuse us please?" He nodded handing me his phone he walked back out to the car.

Rae walked over to me and sat down beside me on the couch, she moved my hair out of my face and looked at me. I hated the fact that I was about to break her heart but I had to do it.

" Tell me what happened Jade." she always called me Jade when I had an episode , she said that Jade was my dark side Delaney was the pure side.

I handed her the phone and told her to read the message, tears started falling from her eyes instantly making me mad all over again, she stood up and grabbed Lani's phone off the table she looked through the text and found the message. Laylani walked out of the bathroom and froze where she stood.

" Bae what are you doing with my phone?" Rae threw the phone at the wall and it cracked, causing me to jump a little bit.

" Why the fuck would you do that? What lies did this bitch tell you ?" Odell walked back into the house he searched the room and walked over to me standing in the corner

" I told you about calling her out of her fucking name watch your mouth LANI! She showed me the text message that you sent Odell and I found the message in your phone should've deleted it . Tell me what catching up did the two of you need to do?"

" She shouldn't be so insecure if she wasn't crazy she wouldn't have to worry bout me stealing her man if I wanted him I could have him." 

Rae's face got blood shot red this was about to get real ugly, I ran over to Rae pulling her towards the door " Lani just go leave before you get hurt."

" Bitch this is my house you leave before YOU get hurt."

" I am trying to fucking help you but you know what FUCK YOU!"

Rae walked out of the house and slammed the door hoping in her car she sped off. I wanted to chase her but it would only make it worse she needed space. My day was totally ruined I just wanted to go home and get in my bed. I climbed in the passenger side and Dell pulled but in the opposite direction

" Dell I just wanna go home where are we going?"

" Just relax it's a surprise."

I closed my eyes and silently got lost in my thoughts, please don't let anything happen to Rae i'd never forgive myself. 

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