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Odell POV;

We got to the house and she was so proud of herself, she danced in the front of the house. I walked over to he and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her sweaty body close to mine.

" Dell we are so sweaty and gross" I leaned my face towards her and kissed her lips slowly she moaned softly in my mouth as our tongues danced together I bit her bottom lip softly and pulled away.

" I know but I really wanted that kiss so I don't care about you being sweaty."

" Goals " she laughed at herself and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. " Pack a bag okay Dell I booked a hotel room for us it'll be a cute little date night."

" Who said it was a date ?" Her whole mood changed she looked at me with so much disappointment " Oh bug stop I was only kidding it's a date for sure babe."

Her face lit up and she opened the door and Mike walked past the door with a bunch of roses in his hands.

" What's the special occasion ?"

" Check your calendar Babygirl it's 20 years today and I love you but you and your friend should probably disappear for the night"

I laughed and nodded my head Delaney looked like she wanted to vomit

" Dad gross that's so gross just give us an hour and we will be out of your hair nasty !"

He laughed and winked his eye walking into the living room I love the way he loves Delaney and Melanie, same way my father looked at my mother I want that one day I wanna love someone that way. I watched bug run up the stairs and I smiled she makes me want that even more , I think tonight in going to ask her to be my girlfriend.

I walked upstairs to my room and turned the shower on , my phone buzzed on the bed and my mothers face showed up on my screen.

" Hello My Queen!"
" Hi Baby are you enjoying New York ?"
" Yes I am life in the big city is good I could get used to it."
" Well baby the world is your playground have fun but just remember never lose focus of what's important."
" Never ma my head is always in the game, what's up you okay everything good ?"
" Yes everything is fine I just missed you wanted to hear your voice tell that pretty girlfriend of yours I said hello."
" Ma stop me and Laney are friends ! I love you ma I gotta get ready for my date."
" Just friends right ! I love you Dell !"

I laughed and hung up the phone I laid my clothes out on my bed , and packed my bag. I know Delaney won't let me hear the end of it if I take to long so let me go. I hopped in the shower bout 25 minutes later I got out and got dressed. I looked myself over in the mirror and I was good, feeling like a million bucks.

I grabbed my bag and walked down the hallTo Delaney's room , I knocked on the door no answer

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I grabbed my bag and walked down the hall
To Delaney's room , I knocked on the door no answer. I opened the door slowly and she was still in the bathroom , I sat on her bed and turned the tv on

" Laney I'm here just so you know don't come out in nothing you don't want me to see"

" I'm just doing my makeup I'll be done in a couple minutes can you throw the rest of that stuff in my bag please ?"

I looked at the stuff on the bed and my mind started wandering she had very revealing clothing in here maybe she has something in mind that she's not telling me about. I finished packing her bag and the door finally opened

I stood back and looked at her she's perfect everything about her is just perfect

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I stood back and looked at her she's perfect everything about her is just perfect.

" You look amazing Delaney seriously babe."

She smiled and walked towards me wrapping her arms around me hugging me , she even smelled amazing yeah tonight was going to be the night. I grabbed both of our bags and walked toward the door she grabbed her purse and followed me.

" Let me go say bye to my parents first babe hold on "

I followed her down the hall too their room but they weren't there, we heard music playing downstairs and I was almost afraid to follow the music. We got to the bottom of the stairs and they were dancing in the corridor she recorded them and watched in awe , there was a sparkle in her eye that made her even more beautiful. They stopped and looked over at us and smiled.

" okay love birds we are leaving , and seeing how you are already with child there isn't really much you can do but behave okay don't go into early labor . I love you both so much happy anniversary 💕"

They both hugged her and kissed her forehead.

" Be safe in the city Odell watch my little girl while you guys are out and have fun but not too much"

" No worries Mike I will keep her by my side at all times"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes and smiled.

" Bye mom and dad I love you"

Mel looked like she wanted to cry again Delaney walked over to her and hugged her one last to
Time and then when we're off. Last night of Delaney Jade being on the market.

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