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I looked between Lani and Delaney and I didn't know what to say, for the first time in a long time I was speechless, Delaney broke my silence by introducing the two of them.

" This is my bestfriend Rae, and her fiancee..."

"Laylani." as soon as the words left my lips I regretted it, Delaney and Rae both looked between the two of us confused.

" You two know each other?" Rae finally breaking the awkward tension.

" Yeah we went to high school together." It was all i could say I couldn't think straight enough to say anything else.

The lying manipulative bitch, who broke my heart and cheated on me multiple times was standing right in front of me , not only that she was now married and too another woman. This was all too much for me to handle at the moment I needed some air. I walked out of the door to the backyard without even saying anything and sat on the couch near the fire pit. What did I do, what was I being punished for everything was going so well, and now Lani pops up and all these old memories and feelings resurface. I felt someones hands on my shoulders and I looked up and Delaney was standing there looking down at me with sadness in her eyes.

" Do you want to tell me what's going on Odell? I asked Rae and Lani to come back later."

" You didn't have to do that I know how much it meant to you to see Rae I didn't mean to ruin that call her and tell her to come back."

" Stop, she understood we are going to have dinner later , today is our day remember."

She sat on the table in front of me and held her small little hands out I wrapped my fingers in hers and looked at her I couldn't help but smile she's so breathtakingly beautiful especially with her hair like this.

" Well me and Laylani did go to high school together but remember when I told you I thought I was in love once but it turned out to be a lie because she was a liar, a manipulator, and a cheater.?" her eyes got really big

" No No No No, Laylani was the girl you were talking about?"

" I'm sorry Bug, I had no clue she was a lesbian much less married we haven't spoken in years."

" No you don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault. It just worries me I always thought that the two of them got married to soon but Rae swore she was so in love no I'm worried does she know the kind of woman she's dealing with ?"

" She could be a different woman now Laney who knows all I know is 3 years ago she was a lying manipulative cheating woman. I appreciate your extension to the dinner but if you don't mind I'll pass you go have fun though."

" I'm undecided but it's not about them today is about us so let's go" she stood up and held her hand out too me I smiled and wrapped my fingers in hers and we walked back into the house Mel was sitting in the kitchen she looked worried her mood shifted a bit when she saw us holding hands

" We are okay Mel breathe !" Delaney laughed and Mel hid her face to hide her laugh

" Thank God cause I was worried , I wasn't prepared for that hurricane"

" No hurricanes today , but we are going out to the city are you going to be okay here alone ?"

" Alone ? CoCo and Tzar are here and so is my little munchkin" she says rubbing her belly

" Lol okay Ma just call me if you need anything."

Her eyes welled up with tears and she smiled . Odell let go of my hand and I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her hugging her.

" You are my mother Melanie no matter what my blood line says you are the best mother I could've asked for I love you"

I was a little teary eyed myself watching them interact I wiped my eyes and stepped out to the front of the house. I looked around and realized how beautiful it really was here I would love to spend my life here. My mind was still a little cloudy from running into Laylani , mainly because even after we broke up I reached out to her so many times and my number never changed so she's never tried contacting me. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing

Unknown Number:
It was good to see you Dellie , we should catch up meet me at my place tonight ? Rae will be gone with Crazy Laney for their little dinner reunite.

I looked at my phone in pure disgust she was still the same woman she was probably doing whatever she wanted while Rae was away at boot camp. I ignored the text making sure not to delete it and put the phone back in my pocket , I have to tell Delaney but how ! She interrupted my thoughts by wrapping her arms around my waist.

" You ready babe ?" I nodded my head and smiled. I would tell her but not right now I don't wanna ruin our day anymore that it already has been but if I keep it in she's going to be mad I didn't tell her right away.

" Bug I gotta talk to you about something."

She stopped at the car and looked up at me " What's Up Dell ? Tell me in the car we got about a 30 travel time but I wanna get to the train station soon."

" I think it's something we should talk about in private."

She closed the door and walked over to my side " Okay now I'm worried what's up ?"

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