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I woke up the next morning in a great mood last night was really perfect although I wish he would've taken that next step I crave Odell and I don't think he knows that the sexual tension between us has just recently gotten really thick and I don't know why maybe it's because he makes me more and more attracted to him every single day. I took a shower washed my hair blow dried it and straightened it Dell hasn't seen my hair straight yet . I did my make up got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror

Straight hair really compliments my beauty maybe I'll do it more often , I walked downstairs and Dell walked through the door with Tzar and Coco at his feet he looked up at me and his whole face lit up

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Straight hair really compliments my beauty maybe I'll do it more often , I walked downstairs and Dell walked through the door with Tzar and Coco at his feet he looked up at me and his whole face lit up. It made butterflies flutter in my stomach and a smile creep up on my face. Once I hit the bottom step Coco ran over to my feet I picked her up and kissed her nose

" Hi baby did you enjoy your walk ?" She wagged her tail and licked my nose I smiled and put her down and Tzar looked up at me I giggled and kneeled down and rubbed his head " And how about you my big baby did you enjoy your walk." He barked and licked my hands they were such a jealous pair I stood up and looked at Odell

" How about your Mr Beckham did you enjoy your walk !" He was still staring at me not saying anything it was getting weird " Dell HELLO earth to Odell I am talking to you."

" Bug you looking fucking amazing why have I never seen your hair down like this ? You need to do this all the time you are beautiful either way but lord today you are glowing baby girl."

" Well thank you I'm glad you like it ! You ready for your first day in the big apple ?"

" Let me just go and change you not about to walk around looking like that and I look like I was just walking the dogs"

I rolled my eyes and laughed walking into the kitchen Mel was sitting on the island eating and watching something on tv I walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

" It feels so good to wake up and see you in a good mood the happiness is radiating off of you LaneyBug and your hair looks amazing."

" Thank you I never realized how much I liked it down until I looked at it. "

The door bell rang and I looked at my watch , it's kind of early for visitors who is this at the door.

" You expecting company Mel ?" She shook her head and that made me nervous I hope it wasn't someone coming to tell us something about Mike , I really couldn't deal with that.  Mel climbed down from her chair and walked out of the kitchen to answer the door. Odell came downstairs looking good as usual he walked over to me and kissed me softly.

" You feel better now pretty boy ? " he ran his fingers through his curls and smiled

" Much Better thank you."

He opened the fridge and got some juice out of Mel walked around the corner followed by two people

When I saw them I screamed and ran over to her and hugged her I couldn't believe she was really here

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When I saw them I screamed and ran over to her and hugged her I couldn't believe she was really here

" Rae what are you doing here ! I missed you so much OMG " tears were falling from my eyes she hugged me back and kissed my forehead

" I told you I was going to see you soon just didn't tell you how soon." She wiped my eyes and stood back

" Look at you Delaney Jade you are glowing."

I smiled and moved my hair behind my ear " Got a lot to smile about lately." I walked over to Odell and grabbed his hand

" Dell this is my best friend Rae and her Wife ..."

" Laylani....."

I was confused how did Odell know who LaNi was ?

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