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We pulled up to the hotel because we were a little early for our dinner reservations. It was a really nice hotel nicer than I expected. I walked to the desk and got the room keys, I looked over at Odell and he looked so good I wanted to rip his clothes off.

" Here are your keys Ms.Delrio you are in room 601 enjoy your stay if you need anything don't hesitate to call."

I smiled and thank her , I walked up behind Dell and wrapped my arms around his waist and he looked down at me

" You ready to go up to the room Dell" he smiled and picked up the bags and we walked over to the elevator. I pressed the button to the six floor and he wrapped his hand in mine. I smiled and rubbed his hand with my fingers.

We got off the elevator and I opened the room
Door it was so cute I loved it , it was perfect.

We got off the elevator and I opened the roomDoor it was so cute I loved it , it was perfect

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He put the bags down and walked over to the window and looked back at me.

" This view is amazing Bug seriously I don't think it could be anymore perfect."

I walked over to his side and looked up at him

" You're right Dell this view is amazing."

He looked over at me and licked his lips. I moved closer , sliding my body in between him and the window. He looked down at me and lifted my chin kissing me slowly , I moved my hands up to his head pushing his hat back wrapping my hands in his curls and kissed him harder. His hands traveled down the frame of my body and squeezed my ass in his hands, causing me to moan softly in his mouth.

" Bug , stop don't get me started we have reservations I want tonight to be special."

I pulled away and pouted a little bit , I really want him and he keeps making me wait. I guess I should respect the fact that he is respecting me. I stood flat on my feet and looked up at him.

" Don't look at me like that bug it'll happen don't worry you can't rush perfection baby."

I smiled and walked over to the dresser adjusting my clothes and fixing my face , he looked down at his phone and smiled

" Come on babe our reservation is in 10 mins"

I grabbed my clutch from the dresser and he grabbed my hand and we walked out making sure the door locked behind us. We walked a couple blocks before we came to one of my absolute favorite restaurants.

" Dell how did you know ? "

" Melanie and Mike may or may not have told me this was your favorite spot in the city."

I loved those two I swear I did , we walked in and the hostess smiled and greeted us.

" Reservations for Beckham please ?"

She looked down at her podium and grabbed two menus " Right this way Mr Beckham."

We followed behind her and we passed all of these open tables and I was trying to figure out why she wasn't seating us , then I realized we were walking up the stairs and I have NEVER been on the second floor , it's the rooftop floor it's very upscale and just now my scene usually. She took us to a private table in the corner, and the view of the city from the table was absolutely perfect.

 She took us to a private table in the corner, and the view of the city from the table was absolutely perfect

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" Enjoy your evening your waitress will be with you in just a moment." She smiled and excused herself and I sat down on the chair across from Odell.

" You went all out for date night huh ? I'm surprised Mr Beckham I didn't know you were such a gentleman."

" I told you Babygirl don't judge me based on what you've heard about me."

" Touché although it wasn't what I heard about you it was mainly what I was seeing with my own eyes. "

" You only saw what I allowed you to see , I'm not a public person my special relationships aren't blasted all over campus like my one night endeavors are."

" Please spare me the details."

He laughed and looked over the menu.

" Can I suggest the Hawaiian Skirt Steak , or the Thai-Roasted Salmon they are both amazing."

" Okay I'm trusting you with what I am putting in my stomach Delaney don't disappoint my insides."

" I promise you Dellie that your insides will be pleased just take my word for it."

The waitress walked over to my table " Hello I'm Joanna I'll be your server for the night , can we start you with something to drink ?"

I looked over at him but I don't think he's ready yet she looked to me and smiled

" Can we have a bottle of white wine whichever you recommend is fine."

" Yes that sounds good to me and actually if you are ready we know what we want to order."

" Oh yes please go ahead what would you like sir ?"

" Well for her she's going to have Togorashi Chicken and I'll take the Thai-Roasted Salmon"

" Okay I'll put them right in and I'll be right back with your wine. You guys are a beautiful couple by the way !"

I smiled and thanked her Odell nodded his head and smiled " So you knew what I wanted to order to I'm going to have to talk to Mike and Mel about spilling all my secrets."

" Anything to see our Babygirl smile"

My heart and my stomach couldn't figure out what to do , my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and the butterflies in my stomach had me queasy I know now why I feel the way that I feel about him , I love him and I no longer want to be only his friend.

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