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Our dinner was so cute very successful, he said all of the right things, we talked got to know more about each other. He loved the meal so I get points for that, we decided against having dessert there mainly because I wasn't a fan of any of the dessert dishes. We were walking through prospect park and the city lights looked beautiful in the night, I missed this part of home so much.

" Did you enjoy date night Bug?"

" My first date and I don't think anyone after you can top how perfect it was."

He smiled and kissed the back of my hand, we walked over to a bench and sat down I leaned against him looking over at the fountain in front of us, he pulled his phone out and took a picture of us I wasn't ready but it was still cute. He moved from behind me stood me up, and pulled me into his lap. I looked down at him and smiled me rubbed his hand on the small of my back, causing my body to shiver.

" Delaney Jade Delrio, you are a beautiful person inside and out, even with everything that has happened to you in your dark past you still manage to be the good in everyone's life. I knew when I saw you on the track for the first time a month ago that I wanted you in my life, I didn't know that once it happened you would have made such an impact on me in such a short period of time. I wake up everyday thinking of ways to make you smile, just because I am in love with the way you smile. I know I have my rep of being a womanizer but I swear the minute I met you i had a change of heart. I am not going to make this too mushy I'll save that for the proposal. My question for you now is will you continue to let me be the reason you smile , not as a friend but as your man?"

I could feel the tears staining my face but I had the biggest smile on my face I could feel it. He wiped my eyes and wrapped his arms around me picking me up and hugging me , I looked down at him nodded my head yes and kissed him slowly. He pulled away and bit my bottom lip gently.

" What took you so long ?" He looked at me like I was crazy

" Um other than the fact that you told me you don't believe in love you've never been in a relationship I don't take rejection well Bug."

" I never would have rejected you Cornelius"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes and I laughed he put my back down on my feet and wrapped his hands in mine.

" We going to get desert ? Or you want to go back to the room ?"

" Oh no babe after that speech I am the desert lets go back to the room."

He licked his lips and smiled we walked a few blocks back to the hotel room stopping at the store on the way. I waited for Odell in the front while he grabbed whatever he wanted, he walked towards the front and some
girl stepped in his way stopping him. I watched his body language with her I couldn't hear what they were saying , but they both looked in my direction and he smiled I winked
My eye and moved my hair behind my ear.

I walked over to them and wrapped my hand around his arm " You ready to go babe ?"

She looked at me and smiled " He's a lucky guy" she bit her lip and walked away , was she hurting on me ? I looked at her and she looked back at me and smiled.

" What was that about babe !"

" She approached me and asked if we were together and I pointed to you that's when we looked over and I nodded and said yes then she was like I should've known the good ones are always taken."

I blushed and waved at her and she walked out of the store she was mad pretty but I wasn't sure I wasn't into girls , me and Rae tried once and it was nice but I wouldn't do it again or would I ?

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