Twenty Three.

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I woke up from my nap and we were parked in front of a house that I had never seen before. I looked out the window and Dell was opening my door.

" Who's house is this I thought we were going home."

" We are in NOlA babe but this is my mothers house."

His mothers house ? I didn't get the memo about meeting his parents , am I ready for that.

" Don't worry she already knows a lot about you, she's going to love you."

I was not dressed appropriately to meet anyone's mother my ass was hanging out of my shorts and I didn't have a bra under my crop top.

" Babe I have to change my clothes first. I can't go in there like this"

He looked over my outfit and licked his lips biting the bottom one , the way he looked at me made my insides ache.

" Don't look at me like that let me just change there's enough room in the backseat."

He laughed and nodded his head closing the door my windows on the truck were tinted so no one could see inside. I grabbed my bag looking for something to change into. I Finally found something mom worthy and changed.

I climbed out of the truck and fixed my hair a little bit

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I climbed out of the truck and fixed my hair a little bit.

" Really babe ? A shirt with a picture of yourself on it?"

" What ! It was my first photo shoot I was proud of myself."

" Why don't you model now ?"

" I've been thinking about it lately idk we will see what happens."

He wrapped his hand in mine and we walked to the front door he opened the door and we walked in , it smelled amazing whatever she was cooking. We walked into the kitchen and his mother was standing behind the counter cutting up vegetables. She looked up and immediately stopped cutting and ran over towards us and squeezed Odell

" What are you doing here ! I didn't know you were coming."

" Well it's good to see you to mama."

" Oh hush you know I'm happy to see you." She laughed and hugged him again and then she stepped back and looked at me .

" and you must be Delaney ! Honey your pictures do nothing for you I mean they are beautiful but you my dear are gorgeous."

I smiled and thanked her she hugged me and I instantly felt welcome.

" It's nice to meet you Ms Heather , Odell talks about you all the time."

" All good things I hope !"

" Nothing but good things, he hasn't stopped talking about you since before he met you. I remember the first time he saw you, he called me and he was like " Mama I saw the love of my life today." "

I looked over at Odell who was looking everywhere but at us , I smiled and pushed his arm " The love of your life Dellie?"

" I don't know what she's talking about Delaney she's being dramatic."

She pushed him in the back of the head and he laughed " Okay maybe I did say that but I was sure I'd never see you again, or you'd ignore me forever."

" I did give you a hard time in the beginning I apologize but it was all for good reason, and look at where your persistence got us!"

We ate dinner , and looked at all of Odell's baby pictures we laughed and we talked and I felt like I had known Ms.Heather all of my life, I saw now where Odell got his loving spirit from she was really one of the sweetest women I have ever in my life met , and she's so proud of Odell. He's a mamma's boy for sure. It started to get late so we decided we would just stay for the night, Odell's little sister Jazzy adores him when she got home and he was there , her face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. It made me happy that I would be able to affect my little brother or sister like that soon. We put Jazzy to bed and she asked me to stay and sing to her until she fell asleep so I agreed.

Once she fell asleep I walked into the guest room and Odell was laying across the bed watching t.v I walked up behind the bed and climbed up on his back. He turned over on his back holding my legs so I wouldn't fall. I looked down at him and smiled, he winked his eye and rubbed his hands up my thighs gripping them I bit my lip because it was turning me on.

" Mmm stop we can't do that in your mother house, you need to be a good boy."

" But I wan't it so bad baby, let's go get in the truck i'll be quick I promise."

I wanted it just as bad as he did , but in my truck? I don't know. I had to think about it for a second but then I decided against it.

" You can wait until tomorrow when we go home I'll make it up to you I swear."

I leaned down and kissed him slowly, I didn't wanna be a tease so I cut it short. I climbed down and walked into the bathroom turning the shower on. I walked back and grabbed my clothes, I closed the door tied up my hair and turned my music from my phone on. Speechless by Beyonce played and I sang along stepping into the shower. I stepped under the water letting it fall all over my body , in the middle of the song I felt Odell's hands wrap around my waist , he rubbed down the inner part of my thigh slowly moving his hand back up he bit into the flesh of my neck and the heat between my legs rises, I bite into my lip to muffle my moans as his fingers explore my insides , I use the wall for leverage grinding into him slowly, this isn't enough I want to feel him inside of me and I want it now.

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