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I opened the door to the room and Dell held it for me I walked in and sat down on the bed and took my shoes and my jacket off. Odell walked over to the window and opened the blinds to let the city light in I stood up and walked into the bathroom before I stepped across the floor I felt his hands pulling me back towards him. He turned the lights down and pulled my body against his , I looked up at him and his lips hit mine and in an instant my body exploding he kissed me so slow and so passionate , his hands trailed down my back and he grabbed my see in both of his hands and I smiled while kissing him.

" I can kiss you like that now cause you are my girlfriend "

He wrapped his hands in my hair and kissed me harder I moaned in his mouth as our tongues danced together. He pulled away slowly and looked down at me

" You ready ?"

I knew exactly what he meant and I was more than ready I nodded my head and smiled.

" Let me shower first baby." I pulled away from him and walked into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and unbutton my top pulling it off I look in the mirror and I don't recognize myself I'm glowing and smiling I take my jeans and panties off and climb into the shower . The water feels amazing on my skin I step under the faucet and let the water fall all over me moving my hair from my face. I grab the soap and rub it between my hands to lather it and rub it over my body slowly , I feel heat behind me and Odell's hands replace mine as he lathers the soap over my body. I turn around and look up at him and then explore his body with my eyes I can feel the lust between my legs, and I guess he can too he leans down to me and kisses me slow and sensually sending my body into over drive. He lifts me up wrapping my legs around his shoulders and presses my back against the wall taking long slow licks over my pearl, I bite down on my bottom lip Moaning softly as I run my fingers through his hair. I use his hair as a leverage and start to grind my body into his tongue arching my back I scream out , he lets out small moans turning me on more and I'm close I'm so close I can feel the heat rising in my belly, I whisper between moans

" Let me down baby I need to feel you inside of me"

He let me down and with so much passion in his eyes, his lips crashed against mine he was hungry for me the same way I am hungry for him and i plan on satisfying his appetite

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