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I sat in front of Rae and she looked so upset i looked up at her and wiped her eyes , seeing her like this made me want to cry but I had to hold it together for her.

" Rae what did you do what happened to you ?"

Melanie came outside with the first aid kit I looked up at her and smiled she walked back in the house and I started cleaning the wounds on her hands.

" I don't want to talk about what happened I want to forget everything starting with my marriage and the woman I am married too."

I nodded my head and bandaged her hands I rubbed over the bruises on her face and she flinched I stood up and told her to wait so I could go and get ice for her I walked into the kitchen and Dell and Mel stopped talking I looked at then weird and giggled I got the ice and walked back out to Rae. She was on the phone speaking to someone she hung up as soon as I walked back out.

" Who was that Rae?"

" No one, I have to go okay I can't talk abut it now as soon as I get the chance I will call you. I love you Delaney"

She kissed my forehead and walked out of the backyard. I stood up to follow her but Odell met me at the door stopping me

" Dell move."

" Rae told me not to let you follow her she begged me Delaney just let her go she'll call you"

" Cornelius she's my Bestfriend MOVE !" My eyes started to well up with tears I was losing and I didn't like it where was she going why couldn't she talk to em I started crying and Dell wrapped me in his arms and held me I cried into his chest

" Where is she going ?? Odell MOVE" he pushed me back towards the couch and sat me down I looked up at him and frowned

" Bug please take a deep breathe relax she had to handle something she'll be fine I need you to calm down."

" How do you know why would she tell you and not me ! I'm her Bestfriend you are nobody leave me alone Odell leave me alone !"

I got up and stormed away from him I ran into the bedroom and started packing I didn't wanna be here anymore I wanted to go back to my life where no one was around I couldn't do this I didn't need this ! This is why I stay away from people ! I screamed out and sank down to the floor crying what is happening to me ? I crawled up in a little ball cradling my legs and closed my eyes it was a dream it was all just a dream. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my bed , Odell was laying across the bottom of the bed asleep and the sun was no longer out. I climbed out of bed careful not to wake Odell and grabbed my phone it was 2am and I had a bunch of missed calls from Rae, she left a voicemail hopefully it explains what's going on.

Delaney I know I shouldn't have left they way I did earlier but I couldn't stand to say goodbye to you again. With everything going on with Lay I need a distraction they are stationing me overseas in Europe i don't know when I'll be back in the states but we can always FT. I like Odell and he cares about you and not just Delaney but jade too! He tells me that he's met her a few times and he is still around is say he's a keeper , he makes me feel okay about leaving you alone and you have Mel and Mike they love you it'll all be okay Babygirl I promise and if it's not pack up and move to Europe and I'll be your roomie. I love you Laney smile for me !

She knew I was going to be crying that's why she said smile I couldn't help but smile I know this is what she's passionate about and I wanted her far away from That witch. I thought about what she said about Odell and looked back at him sleeping
He looked so peaceful and cute I grabbed my camera and snapped some pictures of him. I put the camera down and walked back over to the bed I shook him lightly

" Dell , wake up come on get comfortable. " he groaned and rolled over

" No babe seriously come on" I pushed his body over and he stretched out the long way I laid beside him and wrapped my body around his closed my eyes inhaled his scent and drifted of to sleep , he rubbed his hands down the small of my back and I smiled this was exactly where I wanted too be.

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