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She was different today there was a glow in her eyes that I haven't seen and it just makes her that much more beautiful. I wanted to touch her I snaked my hand into hers and she jumped a little bit and looked up at me

" What are you doing ?"

" Holding your hand people still do that right?"

She laughed at me and intertwined her fingers with mine and smiled I liked this more friendly Delaney it was much better than before we got off the elevator and walked into the parking garage she pulled her keys out and unlocked the doors to what looked like a brand new Kia Sorento

" Oh look at you big time !! This is nice"

" It was a gift from Melanie for my birthday."

" Who's Melanie ? Sister ? Aunt ?"

" We will talk about her when we get to the first destination on today's to do destinations okay ?"

I nodded and we climbed into the car , she started the car and gave me the AUX cord she's wife material for sure

" Okay now Delaney don't judge me for the music that I listen to you hear me ?"

" Boy just play the music I am not that much of a pain in the ass."

" Who said you were a pain in the ass at all anyway ?"

" Nobody has to say it I already know."

There was the Delaney I was used too I shook my head and plugged my phone in and scrolled through the songs on my phone I was looking for some neutral she pulled out of the parking garage and started driving she looked
Over at me

" Today Dell I don't like driving is silence."

She laughed and I just finally chose a song at random I was pleasantly surprised when future started playing and she knew the words  she rapped along to Low Life and we pulled up to a group of mountains she parked the car and looked over at me.

" Delaney I do not want to work out okay I need a break ."

" Oh come on cry baby we are not working out we aren't even gonna climb the mountain there is a spot behind the mountain where I go to clear my head."

I'm so glad cause I was not climbing no mountain I climbed out of the car and walked over to her side opening the door for her she smiled and stepped down out of the truck. She started out walking on this path stopping to take pictures along the way the way those shorts were sitting on her ass had me mesmerized I never realized how much of a body she had cause she always hides it under her workout clothes she turned around and pointed her fancy camera in my direction I stopped and posed a little bit for her getting my sexy on

" Oh what you a model too Odell?"

" I am a man of many talents Delaney you'll see stick around a little while longer lol "

She snapped a couple more pictures of us and then the path ended and there was this little waterfall it was peaceful asf I know now why this is her place to clear her head she walked over to the grassy area and laid a blanket out I followed behind her and sat down beside her

" So you know this just became our spot right ?"

" Nope this is a special occasion any other time I'll be here alone okay ?"

" That's fine I will be too whenever I decide to come just don't come at the same time as me deal?"

She rolled her eyes and laughed " Whatever Odell."

" So tell me why you decided to share your secret spot with me?"

" I owe you an explanation after what happened last night and I felt like this was the best place to do it."

" You don't owe me anything Delaney, I heard you needed help and I came to help you that's all."

" No just let me , every since I was younger well after my parents death I have nightmares sometimes about the night that it happened other times about my dad coming back and killing me for telling the police what he did. I remember the day so vivid me and my mother were in the kitchen and she was cooking and singing to me and my dad came home screaming about his food not being right at lunch time and she didn't respond right away and he slapped her he slapped her so hard that she fell I ran to her side and she pushed me away because it was blow after blow after blow he was punching her and kicking her she was screaming for help and I hid in the corner covering my ears trying to make it stop but he wouldn't stop he just wouldn't stop the final blow to the head and her screaming stopped he watched her for a second and then he walked upstairs to the bedroom and that's when I heard the gun shot and called the police." The tears were streaming down my face by the time I finished the story

Odell pulled me into his lap , looked at me wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed me slowly , my insides felt like they were going to explode his lips were so soft and his hands gently held my face I kissed him back and melted at his touch he pulled away slowly and wiped my eyes again.

" I'm here now Delaney and I promise to keep the nightmares away the best way I can even if it means sleeping besides you or in the same room with you to make you feel safe you don't have to suffer in silence anymore pretty brown eyes let me save you."

This time I kissed him and it felt so good I felt so safe this is exactly where I wanted to be and Odell was the perfect person to be here with.

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