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I woke up and looked over to my side and Dell was sleeping like a baby. I moved the covers back and stretched my legs , I stood up to walk to the bathroom and almost fell down. Last night was I don't even have the words for how amazing it was , I kept telling him to be quiet and he would
Make me get louder I think because we were trying to hide it, it made it that much better. I took a shower brushed my teeth and put my clothes on I walked down to the kitchen and Ms Heather was cooking.

" Good Morning Delaney how did you sleep ?"

" I slept well , thank you for asking the bed felt like a pillow ! After sleeping in the car it was perfect."

" Didn't get much sleep though did you"

I covered my face I couldn't believe it I know I was turning the brightest shade of red possible. Odell walked into the kitchen just in time he kissed my cheek and walked over to his mother.

" Morning Ma , whatever you cooking smells bomb." He looked over at me and laughed

" What's wrong Laney ?"

" Oh nothing she's fine she's just embarrassed because I told her that I heard the two of you having sex last night."

Odell's face looked like he had just seen a ghost now he understood. I would never live this down the first time I'm meeting her and she has to listen to us have sex.

" Why you so shocked you are both adults I know that you aren't a Virgin relax."

" Ms Heather I am so sorry , honestly I can't believe I disrespected you like that."

" Ma , Delaney told me not to multiple times I didn't listen it's not her fault this one is on me."

She looked towards me and smiled " I know how persuasive Dell can be when he wants something , and it won't make me like you any less Delaney you are still my first choice."

I smiled and nodded my head , it felt amazing to hear her say that it meant she likes me. After breakfast we looked at baby pictures and then me and Dell left to head back home.

" Babe my friend August is throwing a surprise birthday party for his girlfriend tonight you want to go?"

I was never really into the whole party scene but I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet some of his friend since we were a couple now.

" Sure , should I bring a present or something ?"

He laughed at me but I was dead serious I didn't know how these things worked.

" I mean you can but I don't really know what she likes so we can just bring a bottle."

I nodded my head and tried to figure out what I would wear to the party , this would be the first time anyone on campus has seen me at a party on top of the fact it was our debut as a couple. We pulled into our parking garage and he grabbed th bags.

" Bug what's on your mind you're being really quiet."

" I'm trying to figure out what i am going to wear."

He looked over at me like " Really Babe" I laughed and flicked him off.

" You could wear a paper bag and be gorgeous."

I blew kisses at him and checked the mail I had a letter that had the name Emeli Delrio in the return address. Who is Emeli and where do she find me ?

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