R.I.P - chapter 28

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We drove to the cemetery. I slowly got out the car my hands shaking like crazy. I saw the clouds getting darker and darker, wind howling. Louis walked infront of me to the grave. He stopped infront of one grave.

On it was engraved, "Alexandria Shay, 1993 September 13- 2014 March 25". My heart ached, she's gone. A single tear fell down Louis' face. He handed me a peice of paper. He patted my back, nodding his head, as he gave me the car keys and walked away.

I fell down into my knees, infront of the grave. "Why did you leave me" I said quietly whispering as I closed my eyes. The clouds got even darker. I closed my eyes, and just sat there.

I opened the piece of paper. The wind got even stronger as a loud thunder clap happened, rain pouring down. I ignored the rain, as I read the paper.

Dear Niall,

You didn't message me for 24 hours. We didn't talk, meet up or anything. If you can do it for one day, please carry on for the rest, :). You won the deal you can say, this was my 'paperwork'. I don't really know how to put this, since I'm not that good at talking about my feelings. The surgery I had didn't quite go well. The doctor told me after, I regained consciousness that there was nothing that could save me. I only had until March 25th to live. I didn't want to tell you this and ruin our time left. All the boys and girls knew, but I told them not to tell you and Perrie. Me and Perrie had the same deal going on. I knew you guys would take my death the hardest. So I made everyone else agree on this plan. Don't be mad at them, I made them agree with me. I really love you, and I wish I was still there with you but carry on with your life. Don't be stuck on me live life. Please be yourself and don't change. Find another girl , please just be happy. Please carry on. I love you nialler, and I wished that I could have lived. But I guess God had reasons for everything he does.

Love Alex

Alex knew she was going to die? And she never even told me, why not? If I knew this was the reason for the deal, I wouldn't have done it. I would have spent time with her. Maybe this is why that day she was hell bent on staying with me.

I can't even do anything about it. I can't even talk to her for one last time, nothing. She was gone, out of this world.

I could taste the salty tears in my mouth. I didn't even know I was crying. That rain was still pouring down, with bits of hail. It started to get chillier and darker, like it was the evening or something.

Instead of being with Alex, all cuddled up together, I was alone, on the ground in the cold pouring rain, having no clue why did it have to all go wrong.

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