Ch1. News report

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~~Y/N's POV~~

I sat on my bed watching tv when the news comes on. It was about a eyeless guy.

"A eyeless killer on the loose! Be careful out side. Here's a drawings of the monster who steals organs." The reporter on the tv said.

"We are calling him Eyeless Jack

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"We are calling him Eyeless Jack." The reporter said.
"Wow I wonder why the name eyeless Jack." I asked myself. "He looks cool though." I sighed and turned my tv off. I grabbed my phone and went to my best friend's number.

'Hey Jean. did ya see the new repost?' I texted and waited. Few minutes later she texted back.
'Yeah! Omg he looked like a cp!' I groaned at what she said.
'Suree...bc cps are totally real. its just a wanna be.' I texted back.
'He looks really like him tho! Well ill cya later!' Jean said and I threw my phone on the other end of my bed.

"Sure. A person can live without their eyes...Wait they can I think. Meh I don't care." I yawned and laid back onto my bed. "School tomorrow...killer on the loose...Gonna be some great days ahead." I sighed and went to bed.

~~Time skip to next day~~

I walk by a lot of girls talking about 'Eyeless Jack'. They was saying how hot he was. That person is a killer! How could he be HOT?! I walk to my locker and grabbed my books as Jean walked over.

"Hey Y/N! Did you hear?" Jean asked.
"What?" I looked at Jean.
"People are saying that EJ is one of the guys that took that one girl from this school! I'm freaking out!" Jean fangirled.
"Wow EJ? Why are all of you girls fangirling over a killer who eats organs anyways?" I asked as I closed my locker.
"I don't know but he's cute! I like his mask!" Jean smiled. I rolled my eyes.
"Jean please...Just shut up about this guy, and how the crap do you know he's one of the guys that took that girl?" I asked.
"Oh....I don't know. What was her name anyways?" Jean asked.
"I don't know. She never talked to anyone but her few friends." I said as I sat in my seat. Jean sat next to me.
"Oh yeah. They left after she went missing, didn't they?" Jean asked. I thought back to when that girl went missing...a few days after that her friends left the school.
"Yeah They did." I said.
"Alright class lets get today started." The teacher said and pulled out a big stupid book.

~~Later to lunch~~

I walked outside to eat my lunch alone. I didn't want to listen to all of them girls talking about 'Eyeless Jack'. I sat under the tree I love so much and looked up at the sky.

'It's so nice today...' I thought to myself with a sigh. I looked out to the woods that was close to my school and sighed again. 'Sometimes I wish I could run away from life.' I thought with a smile. I looked again into the woods and jump when I think I see something blue.

"What was that?" I asked myself out loud. Then I hear the school bell. I get up and ran into the school. Hopefully school just end soon.


I hope you enjoyed! Who is the missing girl? Did you really see something blue in the woods? WHY IS EVERYONE FANGIRLING OVER SOMEONE WHO EATS ORGANS??! 

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

Edit:2018 January 12. Hey guys Astra here to say...please stop commenting "is that Jean from AOT?" And "It's horseface!" Because this was before I watched Aot so please stop. Thank you.

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