Ch11. Just killers.

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~~EJ's POV~~

Y/N is sitting next to me on the couch, she was quite beautiful. With her E/C eyes and H/C hair. Her skin seemed to glow in the somewhat dark room we was in.
"EJ. Are you okay?" Jeff asked, he was standing behind the couch. Was I doing something abnormal? Other then being eyeless and not talking to anyone but my own mind. "Your breathing heavily." I stared at Jeff for a moment, confused before realizing that everyone was staring.
"I'm fine." I say, getting some shocked looks from some newbies.
"Ha he talked! You own me Ben!" Jeff laughed. I sighed and got up. Leaving the noisy room full of idiots. I walk to my room, finally feeling alone in this huge house. My mind went right to Y/N. Her hair and eyes...even her beautiful way se talked. My heart started beating faster and faster.

~~Y/N's POV~~

EJ left the room, he was breathing heavily. I hope he was alright, even if he was a killer.  Jeff was payed by Ben $20 to see if EJ would talk. I wasn't shocked when he did but it was odd.
"Y/N, right? Your the on that EJ likes." Jeff smirks, which only made him creepier looking.
"I guess?" I say.
"Odd he almost never shows emotion." Ben says while playing his games.
"Are you his friends?" I asked and they just laughed.
"Oh sure. I mean. We are killers and we totally act like family and friends here." Jeff flicks Bens forehead.
"Bruh." Ben frowns and rubs his forehead.
"Oh..." I frown. I didn't know what I thought he was gonna say.
"We are close to each other but we ain't like a family. A family is always happy and lucky with life. We're the opposite of that happy stuff." Jeff says.
"Then does that mean my family wasn't a family?" I asked myself out loud.
"Honestly kid, I don't care." Jeff says and continue to bother Ben. I stand and walks away to Ds's door, or what I think was her bedroom door.
'Wow this house is really big. I don't know how they can get around.' I thought. I knock on the door only to be met with EJ.
"Oh... Uh sorry." I rub my head. He nodded to me. "I was looking for DS."  I say and he points to the door on the other end of the hall. "Thanks Jack." I smile and wave bye to him. He waves as well. I walk to Ds's room and knock. She opens the door.
"Oh sup." She smiles.
"Hey. Can we talk about...someone?" I ask.
"Sure. Come on in, M'lady." DS smiles and let's me in.

I had no idea where I was going with this part. I hope you enjoyed anyway. =^-^=
Cya later! Bye my friends.

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