Ch7. Kidnapped (again?!)

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That night Blair slept over, just because she didn't want to go home and wake her mother. She has to sleep on my floor though, but she said it was fine.

"So what do you want to dream about?" Blair asked randomly. I looked down at her.
"I don't want to dream about some random killers. Like the people you told me about." I said.
"oh." Blair said then added. "I want to dream about them."
"You like them though." I stared at her. She mumbled something then laid on her side away from me.

~~Later that night~~

I woke when I heard a loud noise. (Like in all horror movies! ^-^) I looked to my side and noticed that Blair wasn't on the floor. Where did she go? She must of gotten up and gone to the bathroom. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so I got up and went downstairs to find Blair and three boys.

"WHAt THE?! Who Are you three!?" I yelled. They stared at me.
"Y/N. These are my friends." Blair said and stared at me.
"I know you...!" I stared at the hooded man.
"Just clam down and come with us." A masked man said.
"NO!" I yelled. Blair started towards me.
"knock her out." The hooded man or should I say Hoodie said. A teen who was twitching knocked me out.

~~EJ's POV~~

I sat in the chair beside Ds when Toby, Hoodie, Masky, and Blair walked in with Y/N.

"Put her in the room again." Ds frowned and ate her cake. I looked at her. Toby carried Y/N to 'her' room. Ds ,who wasn't wearing her mask, smiled at Blair. "Hey Blair!"
"Hey Ds. How are you?" Blair asked while walking over to Ds.
"Good just eating cake. You know the normal?" Ds smiled.
"No kidneys or hearts?" Blair smiled.
"Nope. Jacky ate the kindeys and gave the hearts to Seed." Ds smiled.
"Masky are you working again?" I looked over at Masky. He nodded. Hoodie stood beside him.
"He's doing work for Splendor." Hoodie said. Ds got up and went over to him and hugged him. Toby walked over to Masky to annoy him. I got up and went to the room Y/N was in. I sat on the floor outside of the room. I'll be waiting for her to wake up.


SORRY I WASN'T WRITING BUT I've been having a lot of tests and I've been sickkkk T-T But I hope you all liked this and WHO IS DS?!

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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