Ch9. Fear/Join us

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~~Y/N'S POV~~

I just stood there staring at the people that stood before me, the creepypasta I guess I should call them. They stared at me.

"So this is Y/N. Well Hello." The masked guy said, I'm guessing Masky from what Blair told me.
"Hey Y/N." Blair smiled.
"Hello." Hoodie said, he sounded annoyed. Death Star stood beside him, now she looked annoyed even though her half of mask. I just waved.
"H-HI!" a teen boy yelled in my ear,who I'm guessing is Toby, I almost fell because of him.
"Hi?" I said to him.
"Y/N she already knows all of you so we don't need to tell her, but be nice to her!" Blair smiles.
"Whatever." DS walked away.  Hoodie went with her.

~~Couple of hours later~~

I sat on the couch with EJ and Blair, when Ds and Hoodie came back. Ds looked mad and Hoodie, well I couldn't see what he looked like so I don't know.

"Y/N." Ds said annoyed. I looked at her.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Slender wants to see if you can be a proxy....and he want's me to train you...So what do you say?" Ds asked.
"uhh...Sure?" I said, feeling unsure about her.
"okay." Ds walked away. Hoodie stayed.
"Sorry...She's sorta mad because she has to train you." Hoodie said. I nodded. He walked away.
"Oh yay! If you pass you'll be a proxy or a normal CP like EJ!" Blair smiled.
"Okay..." I said.

We stayed there for a while before Ds came back and yelled at me to get my butt outside and see what I'm made out of. We all walked outside.

"Lets see...Try to kill that dummy." Ds frowned, while she handed me a gun. I nodded and tried to shoot it, but sorta failed and shot a bird. The others started to laugh.
"oops... I'm not good with guns. How about a sword or something?" I said. Ds growled and handed me a knife. I stabbed the dummy and ribbed it apart. EJ looked pleased and so does Ds. I looked back and smiled.
"Well do...try to take out this guys organs." Ds threw a dead body towards me. I looked at it for a while then cut it open. Blood never bothered me. I took out the first organ I grabbed, it was a kidney.
"Okay. What else." I asked.
"nothing. I'll go tell Slender." Ds said and started running away.

Everyone else walked back outside and waited.


Ye Well hoped you enjoyed and liked it. I'm sleepy.

Cya All Later! Bye My Friends! =^-^=

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