Ch15. Rosa.

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WARNING- (I think) this part as talk of cutting, but not actually anyone doing it. But a warning just in case.

~~EJ's POV~~

I walk to my hiding place, I don't want to think about anything from the mansion, not even Y/N. I sit under my favorite willow tree and sigh at the calming wind. I take on my mask and hoodie, then fixed my navy blue shirt. I look at my wrists and arms, light grey scars.
"Are you a depressed teenager now?" A voice said, it was Blair.
"Blair, not all depressed teens do that and you know it." I say, she's the only other person I actually talk too.
"I know but you literally cut now? Why?" Blair asks.
"I'm not cutting. It's old scars from fighting." I says. "I wouldn't do that and you know that."
"I don't know. I don't think I've read any stories that made you cut." Blair says and start thinking.
"Don't break the forth wall..." I chuckle.
"I broke the wall that Jeff just rebuilt, but whatever." Blair smiles. "Why are you here?"
"I just want to get away..." I smile slightly.
"Lair." Blair frowns.
"What? Why do-" Blair cut me off.
"You just want to get away from Y/N, because she doesn't like you back."
"No that's not it. I just want to run away from the mansion." I say.
"Okkkaaayyy." Blair laughs and starts to walk away. "Oh and...are you okay?" Blair asked suddenly.
"Okay? What do you mean?" I stare at Blair.
"The baka ghost girl is back and told your little girlfriend that you was messed up in the.." Blair pointed to her head.
"The baka ghost? Wait do you mean-?!" I jump up.
"Rosa." Blair finishes my sentence. I growl and start running back to the mansion, leaving my mask and hoodie behind.


I like the name Rosa. =3
Cya later! Bye my friends.

EJ X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now